
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 05:42:31

Several kinds of discrimination in the workplace
have been mentioned above,some of them have occurred in
Foxconn in reality.First of all,Foxconn will give the people who
wants to enter the enterprise a check up,if the people who was checked has the
Hepatitis B will be fired.Second,there is discrimination between Chinese employees and Taiwan employee.It is limited
for the mainland cadres to acquired confidence,promotion and the stock compare with Taiwan
cadres .In my view,
it is unable toobtain the
loyalty of employeesfor Foxconn in a long run if they just view the mainland as the low manufacture
base and share with mainland employee so
little from their huge profits.

some kinds of discrimination in work place mentioned above have occurred in Foxconn.first of all,everyone applying for a position in Foxconn should have a medical examination,those who have HVB will be rejected,second,discrimination wildly exists since employees from mailand China get less trust or promotion chance or stock options than those from Taiwan.The company wins no much loyalty among mailland employees since it treats them cheap labors and shares no much profit in a quite long time.

这段话英语可以怎样改上面提及的几种工作场所中的歧视类型,某些在富士康企业也真实存在.首先,进入富士康工作的人要进行体检,验出有乙肝的人是拒绝招聘的.第二,富士康企业对大陆员工 世界最大的邮轮是什么邮轮?怎样才可以去上面工作? 彩电场偏转的工作原理彩色电视机的场偏转是怎样工作的呢?它有没有回路啊? 医疗保险的缴费工作用英语怎么说啊!但是第二位很贴近,但是没有提及到关于缴费啊 Excel的工作表标签的字体大小可以改变么?怎样可以改变Excel的工作表标签的字体大小,想改的比较醒目点 几场春雨过后,娇嫩的笋芽儿长出来了改写成比喻句与拟人句 量子场英语帐号问题一个量子场英语的帐号可以几个人同时用么? 这场篮球赛的胜败关键是队员们的齐心协力 怎样改病句 这场篮球赛的胜败关键是队员们地齐心协力 怎样改病句 长方体的提及怎样算? 正方体的体积呢? 提及英语怎么说 英语的过去式是怎样改的 请教已在做翻译工作的,怎样可以做一个合格的英语初级译员 英语改怎样学? 网络设备共有几种,分别工作在OSI的那些层上面.各种设备的主要功能是什么, 彩色电视机的场电路工作电压是多少 被提及用英语怎么说 用英语,怎么说这句话.〈无论谁,在哪里?再次提及你的消息,我都可以真的笑笑,心里没有一点涟漪.〉