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求一篇关于“What causes stress at work and life?”的英语文章
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Work-life balance:Tips to reclaim control
When your work life and personal life are out of balance,your stress level is likely to soar.Use these practical strategies to restore harmony.
By Mayo Clinic staff
There was a time when the boundaries between work and home were fairly clear.Today,however,work is likely to invade your personal life — and maintaining work-life balance is no simple task.Still,work-life balance isn't out of reach.Start by evaluating your relationship to work.Then apply specific strategies to help you strike a healthier balance.
Married to your work?Consider the cost
It can be tempting to rack up hours at work,especially if you're trying to earn a promotion or manage an ever-increasing workload.Sometimes overtime may even be required.If you're spending most of your time working,though,your home life will take a hit.Consider the consequences of poor work-life balance:
Fatigue.When you're tired,your ability to work productively and think clearly may suffer — which could take a toll on your professional reputation or lead to dangerous or costly mistakes.
Lost time with friends and loved ones.If you're working too much,you may miss important family events or milestones.This can leave you feeling left out and may harm relationships with your loved ones.It's also difficult to nurture friendships if you're always working.
Increased expectations.If you regularly work extra hours,you may be given more responsibility.This may lead to only more concerns and challenges.
Strike a better work-life balance
As long as you're working,juggling the demands of career and personal life will probably be an ongoing challenge.Use these ideas to help you find the work-life balance that's best for you:
Track your time.Track everything you do for one week,including work-related and personal activities.Decide what's necessary and what satisfies you the most.Cut or delegate activities you don't enjoy or can't handle — or share your concerns and possible solutions with your employer or others.
Take advantage of your options.Ask your employer about flex hours,a compressed workweek,job sharing,telecommuting or other scheduling flexibility.The more control you have over your hours,the less stressed you're likely to be.
Learn to say no.Whether it's a co-worker asking you to spearhead an extra project or your child's teacher asking you to manage the class play,remember that it's OK to respectfully say no.When you quit doing the things you do only out of guilt or a false sense of obligation,you'll make more room in your life for the activities that are meaningful to you and bring you joy.
Leave work at work.With the technology to connect to anyone at any time from virtually anywhere,there may be no boundary between work and home — unless you create it.Make a conscious decision to separate work time from personal time.When you're with your family,for instance,turn off your cell phone and put away your laptop computer.
Manage your time.Organize household tasks efficiently,such as running errands in batches or doing a load of laundry every day,rather than saving it all for your day off.Put family events on a weekly family calendar and keep a daily to-do list.Do what needs to be done and let the rest go.Limit time-consuming misunderstandings by communicating clearly and listening carefully.Take notes if necessary.
Bolster your support system.At work,join forces with co-workers who can cover for you — and vice versa — when family conflicts arise.At home,enlist trusted friends and loved ones to pitch in with child care or household responsibilities when you need to work overtime or travel.
Nurture yourself.Eat healthy foods,include physical activity in your daily routine and get enough sleep.Set aside time each day for an activity that you enjoy,such as practicing yoga or reading.Better yet,discover activities you can do with your partner,family or friends — such as hiking,dancing or taking cooking classes.
Know when to seek professional help
Everyone needs help from time to time.If your life feels too chaotic to manage and you're spinning your wheels worrying about it,talk with a professional — such as a counselor or other mental health professional.If your employer offers an employee assistance program (EAP),take advantage of available services.
Remember,striking a healthy work-life balance isn't a one-shot deal.Creating work-life balance is a continuous process as your family,interests and work life change.Periodically examine your priorities — and make changes,if necessary — to make sure you're keeping on track.

Stress affects us all. If you can spot the symptoms, you can manage them.
General causes
A perceived threat will lead a person to feel stressed. This can include physical threats, s...


Stress affects us all. If you can spot the symptoms, you can manage them.
General causes
A perceived threat will lead a person to feel stressed. This can include physical threats, social threats, financial threat, and so on. In particular it will be worse when the person feels they have no response that can reduce the threat, as this affects the need for a sense of control.
Generally speaking, any threat to needs is likely to lead to stress being experienced.
Threat can lead to fear, which again leads to stress. Fear leads to imagined outcomes, which are the real source of stress.
When we are not certain, we are unable to predict, and hence feel we are not in control, and hence may feel fear or feel threatened by that which is causing the uncertainty.
Cognitive dissonance
When there is a gap between what we do and what we think, then we experience cognitive dissonance, which is felt as stress. Thus, if I think I am a nice person then do something that hurts someone else, I will experience dissonance and stress.
Dissonance also occurs when we cannot meet our commitments. We believe we are honest and committed, but when circumstances prevent us from meeting our promises we are faced with the possibility of being perceived as dishonest or incapable (ie. a social threat).
Life causes
There are many causes of stress in life including:
Death: of spouse, family, friend
Health: injury, illness, pregnancy
Crime: Sexual molestation, mugging, burglary, pick-pocketed
Self-abuse: drug abuse, alcoholism, self-harm
Family change: separation, divorce, new baby, marriage
Sexual problems: getting partner, with partner
Argument: with spouse, family, friends, co-workers, boss
Physical changes: lack of sleep, new work hours
New location: vacation, moving house
Money: lack of it, owing it, investing it
Environment change: in school, job, house, town, jail
Responsibility increase: new dependent, new job
Stress at work
The UK's Health and Safety Executive lists six key stress factors:
The demands of the job
The control staff have over how they do their work
The support they receive from colleagues and superiors
Their relationships with colleagues
Whether they understand their roles and responsibilities
How far the company consults staff over workplace changes.
Other stress indicators at work include:
Sickness absence
High staff turnover
Poor communication between teams
Lack of feedback on performance
Value and contribution
Technological change
Lack of clarity of roles and responsibilities
Dissatisfaction with non-monetary benefits
Working long hours
Boring and mundane work
One-off incidents
Uncomfortable workplace
Lack of training
Along these lines, Beehr and Newman (1978) identified more than 150 variables involved in stress, with emphasis on the working context.
So what?
Watch out for your own stress, and help others reduce theirs. In general, remember that stress is caused by perception, which may not accurately reflect reality.
If you are using stress to persuade, watch for these symptoms as indication of your success. Beware of over-stressing people and creating a fight-or-Flight reaction.


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