这句话为什么要用过去完成时态He had had some recurring dreams.请问这句话为什么要用过去完成时?为什么不能说he had some recurring dreams.我把前后文贴出来大家看.(第二段的第一句就是这句) 之前

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 02:37:16

He had had some recurring dreams.请问这句话为什么要用过去完成时?为什么不能说he had some recurring dreams.
我把前后文贴出来大家看.(第二段的第一句就是这句) 之前之后都是过去时,这句话为什么不一样?
It was not long,however,before he dragged himself out of his depression and back to work.In the hospital,he had seen a boy die of leukaemia in the bed opposite him,and it had not been a pretty sight.He realised that clearly there were people who were worse off than him.At least,his condition didn't make him feel ill.Whenever he felt like pitying himself,he remembered that boy.
He had had some recurring dreams.He dreamt that he was going to be put to death,which made him realise that there were a lot of worthwhile things he could do if he were to be set free.In another frequently occuring dream,he thought he could give up his life to save others:'After all,if I were going to die anyway,it might as well do some good.'
我知道这个deamed 是在 he dragged himself out of his depression and back to work.之前,但是为什么dremt 又用一般现在时呢?

他现在没有这想法了呀~~(before he dragged himself out of his depression and back to work.)在这之前一直在胡思乱想,过去的过去发生的事当然过去完成时

这句话为什么要用过去完成时态He had had some recurring dreams.请问这句话为什么要用过去完成时?为什么不能说he had some recurring dreams.我把前后文贴出来大家看.(第二段的第一句就是这句) 之前 his average speed had been 299 miles per hour这句话用的是过去完成被动时态吗 为什么要用被动形式呢? he had studied in that school for more than two yeArea before he moved here 为什么用过去完成时态而不用一般过去时 有关英语现在完成时态的问题how many times has he been to bejing?这句我觉得用过去时态也说得通啊,你去过几次北京,为什么要用现在完成时态呢. the doctor asked what he had been eating为什么引语要用过去完成进行时 英语时态问题谁帮我分析一下呢过去时态和过去完成时态我总是要分不清楚,什么时候用过去时态什么时候用过去完成时态呢?比如我今天早上经过银行的时候看到过你了.这句话.是过去时态还 he has been in the cinema for an hour是什么时态,为什么要用been?完成时态为什么不用go的过去分词,而用been? 关于have had toI have had to wait for you fot the past twenty minutes 这句话中的have had to 是怎样的一个语法结构,为什么不是用I had to 呢?做为现在完成时态解的话,那么其后的wait应该是过去分词的形式啊~ he had got into the car 是过去完成时态吗 if she had the money如果你有了钱这句话中If是假如,如果意思,意味将来要发生,而为什么用过去时态had?而不是用has?如果她有了钱. He was absent on Monday.这句话是什么时态?为什么表示过去,但absent用原形不用过去式?还有 Was he absent from school last week?这句 英语时态问题,过去进行-和完成时.有什么区别 例如He was aways working-He had aways worded He worked here for eight years!这句话中有for,为什么前面不用完成时态? 现在完成时态和过去完成时态怎么用哪些时候用have,哪些时候用had 这句英文中:Locke spoke of the economic relationship he had helped build between the US and Chinahe had helped build.为什么只help做了时态变化,而build却用原型呢?这句话是说他过去帮助建立了.那为什么不是这样的 这句话不是比较级为什么要用than?Hardly had she gone to bed than she fell asleep.它要表达的意思是不是她还没走到床上就睡着了?但是这里than是什么意思?然后 fell 是什么时态?过去时? 过去完成时态=主语+had+过去分词 可是had不是助动词吗?助动词后面不是跟动词原形吗?这不是很矛盾?比如:He told me he had finished 这个had后面跟了finish的过去分词 the teacher said that clolumbus [ ] america in 1492.括号中是为什么填的discovered而不是had discovered我想老师当时在讲的时候,应该用的是过去时态吧.而此句话是转述的,从句就应该是过去完成时态啊,