
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/11 15:10:58


终点站:terminal stop 或 destination stop前者常用
Please take the bus XXroute(subway XXline美语,tube XX line英国伦敦地铁)at XX station till its terminal stop.
公交的站:station at xx
公交路线:route xx
公交换乘:transfer line,换车transfer at route XX,of YY station nearby ZZ

stand to the end

一站到底用英语翻译是:Standing on a

标准的农民英语 one standing to the bottom.

To Stand To the End

No Standing Till Final End。

standing to the end

A station in the end

A fight it out

江苏卫视“一站到底”翻译的是who's still standing?