求大神做了这篇完形填空.,(This story is based on an actual incident.)It was pitch dark when hospitalpatient Paul Williams woke up and groped around for his blanket.He had (1) ______(ever,never,often,seldom) felt so cold in his life.When he

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 17:53:25

(This story is based on an actual incident.)
It was pitch dark when hospital
patient Paul Williams woke up and groped around for his blanket.He had (1) ______
(ever,never,often,seldom) felt so cold in his life.When he touched his
body,he was (2) ______ (bewildered,puzzled,irritated,shocked) to
find that he was naked.For a moment,he (3) ______ (asked,doubted,
suspected,wondered) if he had died and passed over to some mysterious world.He
(4) ______ (developed,dismissed,gained,removed) the idea and felt
around in the darkness.He was on a shelf,not in a bed.Cautiously,Williams
(5) ______ (got,jumped,sat,stood) up and put his feet down to find
(6) ______ (his shoes,his cap,the floor,the ground).When he found
it,he slid down off the shelf.As he did so,he touched somebody’s head.It
was as cold as ice.Then the grim (7) ______ (fact,reality,situation,
truth) flashed into his mind; he was in a mortuary(太平间) with dead bodies.Williams pinched himself and was
relieved when it (8) ______ (ached,hurt,pained,stung).After he found
the door of the mortuary,he hammered on it with his fists and shouted for
help.It was locked on the (9) ______ (inside,outside,one side,the
other side).Panic-stricken at the thought that he would soon (10) ______
(frighten,freeze,starve,worry) to death,Williams screamed and shouted.In
an adjacent(隔壁的) room,a nurse heard strange noises and
thought that the mortuary might be haunted.She ran to fetch a doctor.He
guessed (11) ______ (it,that,what,whatever) had happened,and opened
the door.When Williams (12) ______ (strode,strolled,sailed,
staggered) out,the nurse fainted and fell to the floor.The doctor summoned (13)
______ (assistance,assistant,attendance,attendant) and led Williams
back to his bed in the hospital.Then he started an (14) ______ (interview,
interrogation,investigation,intervention).He discovered that Williams had
gone into a coma(昏迷) at about the same time as a patient in
the next bed had died.Two hospital attendants had (15) ______ (confused,
disarranged,mixed,mistaken) the beds and had taken the wrong body to the

1、never 2、shocked 3、wondered 4、removed 5、sat 6、the ground 7、situation 8、ached 9、 theother side 10、frighten 11、what 12、staggered 13、assistant 14、investigation 15、mixed
