答案麻烦准确一些啦 最好说明一下为什么选这个答案 1.No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to()A.any other B.the other C.another D.other2.I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all t

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 10:44:27

答案麻烦准确一些啦 最好说明一下为什么选这个答案
1.No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to()
A.any other B.the other C.another D.other
2.I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all those old houses () down.
A.will be pulling B.will have pulles C.will have been pulled D.will be pulled
3.Language learning requires a good environment () the language is widely spoken and used.
A.with which B.by which C.from which D.in which
4.What is the way ()your spoken English?
A.you thought of improving
B.you thought of to improve
C.you thought of having improved
D.in which you thought of to improve
5.The English teacher told us this morning that we () an exam at the end of this month.
A.will have B.would have C.have had D.had had
6.The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already () ready for a meal.
A.laid B.laying C.to lay D.being laid
7.Have you ever been upset when () to yourself after your mobile phone battery runs out in the middle of a call?
A.being left talking B.left talking C.being left talk D.leaving talking
8.Little Johnny left the bag,curious to know what it ().
A.collected B.loaded C.contained D.saved
9.This experiment turned out to be () failure,but,as we know,success often comes after () failure.
A.a;a B.不填;不填 C.不填;the D.the;不填
10.Li Ming,a student from Wuxi,Jiangsu,showed the foreigners around Plum Garden,the building () had taken more than ten years.
A.for which B.with which C.of which D.to which

1.选B,neither 表示两个中的否定,故要选用于两者之间的the other,another表示三个及以上,any other =the others,表示其他人,
3.选C,in which =where 定语从句修饰environment,选择什么介词跟修饰的先行词有关系,我们说有in ……environment,所以用in which.
4.选B,省略which或that的定语从句,句子的主语是the way (that)you thought of,其中(that)you thought of是定语从句修饰the way,表示你能想出来的方法.后面是to do sth ,作为目的状语,表目的,不能选D,选D的话the way在定语从句不能担当成分.

爱钻牛角尖是好事。英语高手都对细节很注意。比如我(^_^不谦虚喽~) PS至于下面的问题,建议你买一本中学生用的语法书讲语法大致学习学习。

1.No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to()
A.any other B.the other C.another D.other


1.No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to()
A.any other B.the other C.another D.other
2.I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all those old houses () down.
A.will be pulling B.will have pulles C.will have been pulled D.will be pulled
3.Language learning requires a good environment () the language is widely spoken and used.
A.with which B.by which C.from which D.in which
D 这里的which代替先行词environment,所以介词是能跟environment连用的 ,in表示在这样的环境里
4.What is the way ()your spoken English?
A.you thought of improving
B.you thought of to improve
C.you thought of having improved
D.in which you thought of to improve
选D which代替先行词way,这里是方式的意思,in way 用什么方式。which在定语从句中当of的宾语。动词不定式表目的
5.The English teacher told us this morning that we () an exam at the end of this month.
A.will have B.would have C.have had D.had had
B这是间接引语,由于主句中told用的是一般过去时,所以从句也要用过去的时态,因为后面有时间状语at the end of this month.这是将来的时间,所以选择b过去将来时
6.The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already () ready for a meal.
A.laid B.laying C.to lay D.being laid
Awith复合结构 with +宾语+宾语补足语 桌子与搁放之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以空格处用过去分词表示被动
7.Have you ever been upset when () to yourself after your mobile phone battery runs out in the middle of a call?
A.being left talking B.left talking C.being left talk D.leaving talking
选B因为从句中有runs out 做谓语动词这里只能选择非谓语动词形式,电池没电了自己是被动留下说话的,所以选择被动语态,过去分词表被动,选择B
8.Little Johnny left the bag,curious to know what it ().
A.collected B.loaded C.contained D.saved
9.This experiment turned out to be () failure,but,as we know,success often comes after () failure.
A.a;a B.不填;不填 C.不填;the D.the;不填
我觉得答案应该是 (a 不填),因为第一个空是指具体的失败,指这个试验而言的,第二个空是失败的概念不可数,而且对应success都没有用冠词,所以肯定不用冠词 我在网上也查了 基本都是这样的
10.Li Ming,a student from Wuxi,Jiangsu,showed the foreigners around Plum Garden,the building () had taken more than ten years.
A.for which B.with which C.of which D.to which
A这里将介词提前了,应该是 it takes time for sth,所以for提前了


1.C 2.C (过去完成时)3.D (状语从句)4.C thought of 后跟doing sth 5.B (将来时) 6.C
7.B (When 后面的)8.A 9. C 10.B

10.Li Ming,a student from Wuxi,Jiangsu,showed the foreigners around Plum Garden,the building () had taken more than ten years.
A.for which B.with which C.of which D.to which


10.Li Ming,a student from Wuxi,Jiangsu,showed the foreigners around Plum Garden,the building () had taken more than ten years.
A.for which B.with which C.of which D.to which
析:本题考查非限制性定语从句。这个从句中的building是动名词而非名词,the building of sth. 中的build和sth.之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,意为:。。。的建造。
PS: 楼主,题目太多,建议一题一贴,回答可以更细,受益者更多,你也不必花赏分了。决定采纳也容易得多。而一贴10多题,你只能采纳其中一人,这对费心费神回答了全部题目的人很不公平.你也很为难。
我一般不回答很多题目的贴子。这一贴是因为最后一题有争议且让人感觉题目有问题。其实是有歧义,后面的the building 还以为是Plum Garden的同位语。(后应加一个定语从句).


答案麻烦准确一些啦 最好说明一下为什么选这个答案 1.No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to()A.any other B.the other C.another D.other2.I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all t 为什么选C,最好说明一下 麻烦说明一下为什么这么选π_π 麻烦把中间过程写出来,或者说明一下,为什么答案是1-e^-0.1 有关物理学的书?谁知道一些 有关于物理学方面的书?最好有趣一点的,内容比较好的.. 麻烦推荐一下,谢谢啦.~! 希望答案能清楚一些就最好啦 新中国为什么要进行土地改革?要书上有的 (完整的)准确答案最好简洁一些 列条 麻烦啦说明下理由 眨眼反射中枢位于哪里?眨眼反射中枢位于( )内A 大脑皮层 B 脊髓灰质 C 小脑 D 脊髓白质麻烦说明一下为什么选那个答案. He didn't seem to mind_____TV while he was studying.下面哪个答案正确?A.them to watchB.that they watch C.their watchingD,watching麻烦说明一下为什么(最好通俗一点). 一些线性代数的简单题目谁能帮我解决一下?要过程的就是这7题,能做几题是几题呗,不过最好有答案讲解的.谢谢啦 麻烦一下谁可以帮我将中文名字改成英文名字啊最好容易记…不过要译得准确哦…谢谢啦…好得加分…^_^我姓唐名德杰…即唐德杰 是岁月茬荏、荏茬、还是荏苒?一直弄不清,希望有人能给个准确答案.谢谢!最好说明一下这三个的区别和意思。 答案已给出,主要是写原因.麻烦大家解答一下为什么以及我括号里的问题,除了回答括号里的问题外请务必说明为什么题目选那个答案, 高数高阶求导 麻烦讲一下第三题 带点注释最好啦 不仅需要答案,还需要详解,最好说明一下其他三个错误选项错在哪里、、谢谢啦!1975 年 12 月,考古工作者在湖北省云梦县发掘出了大量秦代竹简,其中一些竹简上刻着内容具体的《田律》.《田 高数,求极限一题,麻烦说明一下为什么. 麻烦问一下,谁有七下英语全品作业本的答案,只要第二单元.谢啦.