作业要我问写一片题目为“say something about yoursecf”短文(10句话)帮忙写一下,要求句子简单易懂.10句话就可以啦

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/11 11:50:44

作业要我问写一片题目为“say something about yoursecf”短文(10句话)帮忙写一下,要求句子简单易懂.

The other day I watched TV and learned something about women college students.They work had and study their lessons very well.They're skilled at using the computer and their English is wonderful.But it's still hard for them to get suitable jobs after they graduate.What's worse,even if they can get a job,they can't get equal pay with men.The only reason is that they are women.I think it's unfair.It's in the 21st century now.In this modern societ,women should really enjoy the equal rights with men.Women can do anything that men can,and sometimes even better.Only when every person is equal,can we say we are living in a civilized society

作业要我问写一片题目为“say something about yoursecf”短文(10句话)帮忙写一下,要求句子简单易懂.10句话就可以啦 用我的一片天空 为题目写一篇作文 以我很幸运为题目写一片800字的作文,不要照抄,自己写, 老师让我写一片题目为:《为三峡喝彩 与梦想同行》.的作文 以 我的一片蓝天 为题目写一篇作文有题记,排比句 .急用... 拿什么报答你,我的——为题目写一片600字的作文 以福娃为题目,写篇英语作文行吗谁可以写篇,我要做作业. 题目为我的作业我做主,其实是篇检讨,帮帮忙~语文作业没完成,语文老师说写作文(就是检讨的啦~),要400到500字左右,题目是:我的作业我做主急的喔~ 帮我写一片作文.题目“相信自己” 以渴望理解的我为题目写一片作文如题 可以是渴望理解的我等等 以“寻找我身边的吴老师”为主题自拟题目写一片作文,1500字的! 我要写作业 我写作业要, 求英语题目为 MY IDEAL FRIEND的一片篇120个字的英语文章谁帮我写篇英语题目为 MY IDEAL FRIEND的一片篇80个字的英语文章谢谢!给分,急. 急用!星期二交的作业!你为我撑起一片蓝天的作文可以是一篇作文,可以教我作文大概怎么写,主要表达什么! 以“我的一片天空”为话题写一篇作文要怎么写? 我要一片初一写的日记 谁能帮我写一篇题目为《我的朋友》的作文,呜呜…作业实在太多了