it's reported that most of the familie‘s income is 3 times or more what it was 3 years ago为什么用what 而不是than

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 17:54:52

it's reported that most of the familie‘s income is 3 times or more what it was 3 years ago
为什么用what 而不是than

这里的what引导的从句是跟在3 times后面的,"or more"是个补充说明,所以不是比较状语从句,不能用than,
3 times what it was three years ago“是3年前的3倍”.倍数的表达方式:times + 名词+ of,比如:His room is twice the size of mine.他的房间有我的2倍大,= his room is twice as big as mine.
例句中what 引导名词性从句,代替的就是上面我说的times后面跟的名词.


it was 后面缺什么,缺“什么”吧,那就用what 呗