
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/03 11:05:15


The folk tapestry hand-weaving is southwest of shandong province, it is unique as a kind of folk manual cotton textiles, have full-bodied local flavor and distinct national characteristics. Qilu culture hand-weaving profound in their development process of absorbing all kinds of art form, its essence to its dregs, make its colour continuous improvement, also had now colorful hand-weaving this folk art form. The design implies no hand-weaving for documentary, verbal instrution, due to the impact of modern culture, more and more young people is not keen on the traditional handicraft culture, the traditional crafts hand-weaving successor unmanned and modern industry facing the double blow of dyeing technology. In JuanCheng etc to southwest heze hand-weaving field trip, many times on the local folk customs and the basis of the understanding, explores the history and hand-weaving collected a lot of hand-weaving designs, the artistic features, to hand-weaving based pattern implication was analyzed and studied, and the current situation and development of hand-weaving paper briefly described.请采纳

英语翻译鲁锦是鲁西南民间织锦的简称,它是山东省独有的一种民间纯棉手工纺织品,具有浓郁的乡土气息和鲜明的民族特色.齐鲁文化博大精深,鲁锦在其发展过程中吸收各种艺术形式之所长, 英语翻译鲁锦是鲁西南民间织锦的简称,它是山东省独有的一种民间纯棉手工纺织品,具有浓郁的乡土气息和鲜明的民族特色.在对鲁西南菏泽鄄城等地鲁锦进行多次实地考察,以及对当地民风民 求“民间高手”的英语翻译 求“民间高手”的英语翻译 织锦是什么材料做的? 它是不是哪个组织机构的的简称? 织锦画下面的编号是什么意思?感谢! 西双版纳位于我国西南边陲的什么省境内,简称什么 英语翻译希腊共和国,简称希腊,位于欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛南端,濒临爱琴海,西南临爱奥尼亚海及地中海.希腊被誉为是西方文明的发源地,拥有悠久的历史,并对三大洲的历史发展有过重大影响 英语翻译它是牛皮的 银河,我国民间俗称天河,它是由许许多多的------------组成的一个银河系 西南五省市哪个直辖市?请说出它的简称和气候类型?我国易发生旱涝灾害与季风的什么特点有关? 西南五省区 木兰诗它是我国古代一首经过文人加工的民间________诗 浅谈如何简单分别“缂丝”“织锦”“刺绣”.今天有个朋友给我留言,问“缂丝与织锦的区别”,我突然有点不知道怎么说,有的时候就是这样,东西看见了,你知道它是什么,用的什么手法,但是 英语翻译他的简称是不是H 英语翻译是……的简称 “博客”一词源于英文单词“blog”,它是“weblog”的简称.“weblog”也简称为什快急用 英语翻译:西南市场总监.