分析新概念3中的一句句子The experts from the zoo were convinced that the animal was a puma.这里为什么是was puma?

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 12:11:20

The experts from the zoo were convinced that the animal was a puma.
这里为什么是was puma?

因为were convinced一个句子里的时态一定要一致.

分析新概念3中的一句句子The experts from the zoo were convinced that the animal was a puma.这里为什么是was puma? 英语书中的一句句子The Lions are a great soccer team.这里为什么用are,又用a? dad the ciean let,s car怎么组成一句句子 持之以恒造一句句子 以为例仿写一句句子 whom the gods would destroy they first make mad 能不能分析下句子成分啊不要翻译哦 仅仅是成分 主语什么的 这是一句句子/ 新概念英语3一句句子City born and city bred.I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window,or something you occasional visit during the weekend.City born and city bred 是两个由名词+过去分词构 有关一句句子的英语语法问题这是THE SECOND COMING中的一句歌词,为什么句中WAKE UP用将来时而 VANSIH用过去时? 关于新概念英语3第七课的一句句子 急句子是这样的:When they got home,Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without realizing it,cooked her fiance's wallet as well.我想问的是为什么在it后面加逗号 不加也 用兴高采烈作一句句子! 补充一句句子良药苦口利于病,______________. 《孙权劝吕蒙读书》中的一句句子的翻译:但当涉猎,见往事耳 三国演义中的好句评析就是一句句子,后面还要带有个人对此句的评析 1、用春风化雨造一句句子2、用春风夏雨造一句句子3、用如坐春风造一句句子4、用“春风又绿江南岸”造一句句子5、用“春风不度玉门关”造一句句子全部做也行,挑会的做也行,我马上就要 over the year(多年来)造一句句子(用到过去分词)!一定要简单一点!急 将to,how,you,often,go,cinema,do,the这几个词语连成一句句子 请用wool,soft,the,is,scarf,of,made连成一句句子 翻译一句句子he bought the house which he still lives in