读一读,填补单词a;may l use bike,please?b; yes,of course,but for 1 long?a;just one or two hours.b;ok here's the key .2 the way,where do you have to go now?a;to the railway station to 3 a friend of mine.b; what time will the 4 arrive a;just twel

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 20:44:10

a;may l use bike,please?b; yes,of course,but for 1 long?a;just one or two hours.b;ok here's the key .2 the way,where do you have to go now?a;to the railway station to 3 a friend of mine.b; what time will the 4 arrive a;just twelve fifteen.b; ob,my watch says five to twelve a;really?l've got only twenty 5 left then.l must be off now?.1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )

1、 how 2、by 3、meet 4、at 5、minues