
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/08 02:57:09


Advertising is an universal cultural phenomenon in today's information society .It is the reflection of the creativity of beauty ,from which aesthetic conception is unseparateable, affecting all aspects of the social life with its unique charm. Meanwhile, with the development of world economic and culture, cultures from different regions are affecting each other with the economic globalization.However, advertising translation study is just to start and the traditional translation theory cannot satisfy the demands of translation of the special practical style,while English ads just link the two kinds of culture of Chinese and western culture, It will collide with the blending of perfect expression produced incisively: colorful language, fresh and lively, have full-bodied life breath and powerful appeal and aesthetic value. Therefore, this article selected global universal use the English language, it is its application in the field of advertisement and produces some linguistic features and advertising itself deeply analyzes the social features, in hopes of related area of research is of certain reference and the reference value. This paper firstly lexical, syntactic, and rhetoric from three aspects of English language features of AD article discussed; Then discusses some strategies about translation, specific argument using literal translation, the author calls for translation methods to translate advertising slogan and advertising title, the text practical; Finally, this paper will mainly discuss some of the culture English advertisement translation error, analyze the certain English advertising fails to achieve the ideal effect of reason, thus help advertising planners in copywriter research avoid recidivism similar mistakes in the future. This paper discussed above, hope to pass English advertisement translation studies of feasible to construct a theoretical framework, thereby in advertising translation practice and advertising translation theory built up a communication bridge between.

英语翻译广告是当代信息社会具有普遍性的文化现象,广告是美的创造性的反映形态,而审美理念是广告无法摆脱的情结,它正以其独特的魅力影响着社会生活的方方面面.与此同时,随着世界经 英语翻译再说一次!自己水平有限翻译有困难!坐等不计较分数的好心人!在当今的信息社会里一则广告能否吸引广告受众的注意和认识是导致广告成败的关键.同时,广告必须易于理解,便于记忆, 英语翻译自己英语水平有限!坐等不计较分数的好心人!在当今的信息社会里一则广告能否吸引广告受众的注意和认识是导致广告成败的关键.同时,广告必须易于理解,便于记忆,否则就难以给人 下列有关遗传和变异的说法中 正确的是a.遗传具有普遍性,变异不具有普遍性b.遗传和变异都具有普遍性c.遗传和变异都不具有普遍性d.遗传不具有普遍性,变异具有普遍性 信息社会的写作特点 英语翻译我们现在所处的是一个信息社会.信息社会的主要特征:(1)社会生活的计算机化、自动化; (2)拥有覆盖面极广的远程快速通讯网络系统以各类远程存取快捷、方便的数据中心; 我只想问.你是如何理解信息社会的? 真理具有普遍性 为什么 、规律具有两个特点,一个是普遍性,另一个是(  ) 事物的联系具有普遍性,客观性的联系具有普遍性,客观性.怎样说明网络发展推动社会主义民主政治建设具有联系普遍性,和客观性. 广告的表现力强,具有刺激购买的作用,这是广告的什么功能 英语翻译家庭是社会组成的细胞,它的、和睦与否,直接关系着国家的繁荣安定,和睦的家庭也使人们的生活幸福,稳定,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要基础.然而家庭暴力发生具有普遍性目前,全 当代中国社会的群体具有哪些特征 美国广告协会 的英语翻译是? 生物对环境的适应是否具有普遍性 英语翻译网络越来越成为一种具有普遍性、广泛性的大众交流和社会联系媒介.网络民主是随着计算机技术和互联网技术发展而兴起的一种新型的政治参与手段和模式,主要指人们通过互联网 生物界的物种能保持相对稳定,是由于生物具有遗传性变异性适应的相对性适应的普遍性 信息社会的息的意思