英语中storage和warehouse都表示仓库,哪一个准确?可是我最近看见大部分人喜欢用storage 充满疑惑?

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 13:27:44

可是我最近看见大部分人喜欢用storage 充满疑惑?

而 storage指一个房子有不同的房间,当个别的房间被用做贮藏,被叫为,比如一艘飞船上的贮藏室是绝对不会叫做warehouse的,而是如果一艘船都为贮藏用可能会被叫做warehouse ship


storage [简明英汉词典]
n.贮藏(量), 贮藏库, 存储
warehouse [简明英汉词典]
n.仓库, 货栈, 大商店
vt.贮入仓库, <俚>[经]以他人名义购进(股票)


英语中storage和warehouse都表示仓库,哪一个准确?可是我最近看见大部分人喜欢用storage 充满疑惑? SAP中Storage Location和Storage Bin的联系.求解库存地和仓位的关系,即Storage Location和Storage Bin的联系,仓库是Warehouse. SAP:Warehouse number & Storage Location的区别?关于SAP MM,请问Warehouse number 和 Storage Location 有何区别除了叫法不同以外,一个用在PP一个用在MM?有PP的朋友从PP的角度回答一下吗,说错。是WM的高手或者SAP memory和storage有什么区别?是计算机英语.我看到计算机英语给的解释都是存储器。我想知道在计算机中什么地方的存储设备是memory,又什么是storage. warehouse 和 storehouse的区别? depot和warehouse的区别? Warehouse Shift Leader 和Warehouse Leader 哪个级别大? storage storage 什么是dollar store和warehouse club? WM-how to delete a storage type which have createDear gurus,I have config a new storage type within a warehouse no.And,under the storage type,I have create some storage bin for it,but without quant.Then I want to delete the storage type.System show e lingo中,links(warehouse,vendors):cost,volume;是什么意思 storage/emulated/0和storage/sdcard1哪一个是外置SD卡! WM-How to let Qty in storage type = qty in storageHi,A warehouse no.say W01 has three storage type 001/002/003.Plant P01 was assgined to W01.Plant P01 has three storage location S01/S02/S03.How to set 001 corresponding S01,002 corresponding S02,003 c bonded warehouse 什么是Warehouse 镍氢电池中,什么是可逆贮氢容量?reversible storage capacity soil water content 和soil water storage的区别