matlab 提示Error using vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.for i=1965:1:1970 for j=1:12 a=find(a1(:,2)==i&a1(:,3)==j); b=a1(a,:); c=mean(b(:,5)); d=[d;i,j,c]; end end提示矩阵维度出错,可是维度应该并没有出错啊,我

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 19:48:08

matlab 提示Error using vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.
for i=1965:1:1970 for j=1:12 a=find(a1(:,2)==i&a1(:,3)==j); b=a1(a,:); c=mean(b(:,5)); d=[d;i,j,c]; end end提示矩阵维度出错,可是维度应该并没有出错啊,我记得原来运行这个程序的时候也没提示这个错误.

for i=1965:1:1970
for j=1:12

Matlab程序提示错误:Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.Matlab程序:x=0.01:0.01:9; y=(4.5-x)*sqrt(9*x-x.^2); 提示:Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree. Matlab求常微分方程为什么错误 dsolve('Dy=-2x*y/(x^2+2*a)')这个matlab提示:Error using ==> dsolve at 126Can not use D as a variable in DSOLVE. 在Matlab里,我的t=0:0.005:1; sig=80*sin(10*pi*t)*sin(60*pi*t);运行不了Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.此为系统提示,为什么 x=0:pi/100:6*pi;b=(cos(x)+i*sin(x))*(x);然后就提示Error using ==> mtimesInner matrix dimensions must agree.了,我是新手,刚接触matlab matlab Error using ==> sym.mpowerError using ==> sym.mpowerMatrix must be square.我没用什么矩阵饿? matlab中的矩阵除法问题M文件如下:function f=ff2(x)f=3/x;在matlab中输入如下:ff2([1:10])但是提示错误:Error using ==> mrdivideMatrix dimensions must agree.Error in ==> ff2 at 2f=3/x;看了关于矩阵右除和左除的帮助 matlab解方程式>> syms x>> s=solve('(3.4-3.2)/(3.2-2.3)=(0.85-x)/(x-0.65)');>> x=s.x用上述命令求解x,怎么提示如下内容:Error using ==> subsrefNo appropriate method,property,or field x for class sym.Error in ==> sym.subsref at 17y = 用matlab的ezplot 和 abs 出错~syms wezplot( abs( w ) ) 这个命令能画出图来但是下面这个syms wezplot( abs( exp(w) ) )这个命令不能出图求助~~~具体的错误提示如下? Error using ==> inlineeval at 15Error in in 为什么matlab求一个矩阵的逆矩阵时输入inv时显示?Error using ==> inv而且我确定是用英文输入法输入的,到底是怎么回事呀!我确定是非奇异?的,而且它的错误提示并不是说逆矩阵不存在呀!是说Error matlab中 w=0:5; c=0.1; x1=(w^2)/sqrt((1-w^2)^2+(2*c*w)^2); plot(w,x1)提示Error using ==> mpowerMatrix must be square.Error in ==> Untitled at 3x1=(w^2)/sqrt((1-w^2)^2+(2*c*w)^2); matlab中矩阵除以常数出错du=abs(U1-U2);dd=abs(D1-D2);dis=du/au+dd/ad;其中U1,U2,D1,D2为一行24列的数组au,ad为常数运行时出现如下错误提示:Error using ==> mldivideMatrix dimensions must agree.Error in ==> distance at 9dis= 看看这段matlab哪里错了,提示如下,我做的是灰色预测Error using ==> vertcatCAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.Error in ==> Changjiang at 11E=[-C;ones(1,n-1)];原代码syms a b;c=[a b]';A=[158.626,171.636,202.812,218.826];B=cu MATLAB中如何用矩阵变量绘制图形?在使用矩阵的变量元素作为方程变量进行绘图时MATLAB总是提示错误:Error using plotConversion to double from sym is not possible.比如简单的绘图问题:syms t;a=[1,2*t ,3; 4,5,6 matlab中的nthroot函数的用法是什么啊?我的英语水平不行,看不懂它的英文解释.为什么我输入nthroot(9,2),matlab会出错.出错提示是Error using ==> nthrootIf X is negative,N must be an odd integer. matlab绘图求助 提示错误Conversion to double from sym is not possible.想绘如下的图syms t rh=0.000013118/r*(cosh(9.8^((1/2)*t))-1)[t,r]=meshgrid(0:1:100,0.01:0.0001:0.001)plot3(t,r,h)但是提示:? Error using ==> plot3Conversion to dou matlab 提示Error using vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.for i=1965:1:1970 for j=1:12 a=find(a1(:,2)==i&a1(:,3)==j); b=a1(a,:); c=mean(b(:,5)); d=[d;i,j,c]; end end提示矩阵维度出错,可是维度应该并没有出错啊,我 MATLAB程序,这个程序不知道为什么出现?Error using ==> mpower Matrix must be square. 在matlab中运行出现错误:Error using ==> rstool Insufficient data to fit model Linear.