
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 22:10:15


1.I had a happy holiday,I went to the countryside in Heibei Province,my hometown,together with my father.
2.I am surprised to see great changes have taken place in my hometown.Almost every family has a color TVset,some even have a motorbike and a car.Many families live in a new house.
3.A villager told me proudly that some of the villagers and he was planning to travel abroad.
4.My name is Xiao Hai.

1. Have a good winter vacation, winter vacation with his father back home in rural areas of Hebei
2. Amazed at the tremendous changes in his hometown. Almost every village, every color, a number...


1. Have a good winter vacation, winter vacation with his father back home in rural areas of Hebei
2. Amazed at the tremendous changes in his hometown. Almost every village, every color, a number of houses built. Some homes have a motorcycle and car
3. A proud villagers told me that he and some villagers intend to participate in a tour group to travel abroad
4.叫小my name the sea ~ ~ ~


1. Have a good winter vacation, winter vacation with his father back home in rural areas of Hebei
2. Amazed at the tremendous changes in his hometown. Almost every village, every color, a number ...


1. Have a good winter vacation, winter vacation with his father back home in rural areas of Hebei
2. Amazed at the tremendous changes in his hometown. Almost every village, every color, a number of houses built. Some homes have a motorcycle and car
3. A proud villagers told me that he and some villagers intend to participate in a tour group to travel abroad
4.my name is xiaohai


1. Have a good winter vacation, winter vacation with his father back home in rural areas of Hebei
2. Amazed at the tremendous changes in his hometown. Almost every village, every color, a number o...


1. Have a good winter vacation, winter vacation with his father back home in rural areas of Hebei
2. Amazed at the tremendous changes in his hometown. Almost every village, every color, a number of houses built. Some homes have a motorcycle and car
3. A proud villagers told me that he and some villagers intend to participate in a tour group to travel abroad
4.my name is little sea ~ ~ ~


英语翻译1.过了一个很好的寒假,在寒假中与父亲一起回到老家河北农村2.吃惊于家乡的巨大变化.几乎村里每家都有彩电,许多家盖了房子.有的家还有了摩托车和小汽车3.一位村民自豪的告诉我 怎样合理安排寒假作息时间我是一个初中生,现在放寒假了,好像制定一份寒假计划,让自己的寒假过的充实啊! 英语翻译再过几天我的寒假就要开始了,这个寒假我计划要去美丽的金丝大峡谷旅游,还又要去西安看秦始皇兵马俑,又是一个美好的寒假,真开心. 如何过一个有意义的寒假 如何过一个有意义的寒假 怎样过一个有意义的寒假? 过一个有意义的寒假作文 怎样过一个有意义的寒假作文 英语翻译1.我和几个好朋友一起快乐的过了寒假.(2种说法)2.我们一起玩游戏、旅游,每个人都很开心.3.我觉得最有意思的是我们一起包饺子.饺子很好吃. 寒假即将结束,今年寒假你过得怎样?在寒假中有哪些新的收获?请你给自己写个简要的总结. 寒假想找一个英语老师帮我补一下已经寒假了,英语成绩也不是很好.所以想问问有没有人知道哪里有补课的.我在上海宝山区.希望帮我介绍几个. 在寒假中亲身经历的一件事 英语翻译在英语中“寒假”和“暑假”分别怎么说? 2009英语翻译的寒假2009英语翻译的寒假 小学怎样过一个有意义的寒假 主题班会教案 用英语翻译“你寒假过得怎么样?” 英语翻译有没有寒假的 英语翻译翻译成英文小作文Lily和Lucy是很好的朋友,以前在一起上学,但是考上了不同的大学,在不同的省份,现在恰好是寒假,两人不约而同在街上相遇了,互相寒暄。