
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 22:53:00


1. _______smoking here will be fined.
A. Who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. Whomever
2. Thinking about the fact that I was not prepared well enough, and _____ to lose my face, I gave up this year’s civil service exam.
A. didn’t want B. not want C. not wanting D. not wanted
3. For almost two months, Dominic York , a 23-year-old hairdresser, ________about hospitals all night, wearing a white coat and pretending he was a doctor.
A. wandering B. wander C. to wander D. wandered
4. He is always really rude, ______is why people tend to avoid him.
A. that B. it? C. this D. which
5. If you want to go to see the movie,so_________ I.
A. do B. am C. will D. should
6. Mr Smith is a painter, _______ I should also like to be.
A. that B. which? C. who D. what?
7. “I hope the dialogue,” said the spokesman, “________between the two presidents next week will give us some active signal.”
A. making B. to make C. to be made D. made
8. Every boy and girl_______ the book and they each _______ to buy one.
A. like, want B. likes, wants? C. likes, want D. like, wants
9. _______is his favorite subject, but he doesn't know _______ for “gongzuo”.
A. English, English B. The English, the English
C. English, the English D. The English, English
10. He made up his mind to devote his life ___________pollution________ happily.
A. to prevent, to live B. to prevent, from living
C. to preventing, to live D. to preventing, from living
11. It was a pity that the great writer died________ his works unfinished.
A. for B. with C. from D. of
12. You are right, we are not interested _______ to stories, but now we'd be interested _______your story.
A. in listening, in hearing B. to listen, to hear
C. in listening, to hear D. to listen, in hearing
13. _________, the vitamin C in them will be destroyed.
A. If vegetables are cooked too long B. If cooked too long
C. If cooking too long D. If being cooked too long
14. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living __.
A. bills B. expenses C. prices D. charges
15. ________, we didn’t go for a swim.
A. Being cold B. It being cold C. As it is cold D. It was cold
16. -- Do you have anything more ________, sir?
-- No. You can have a rest or do something else.
A. typing B. to be typed C. typed D. to type
17. Do you have any idea of the reason _________ he referred to.
A. that B. as C. why D. when
18. He hid himself behind the door _______ he still could see what would happen to his classmate.
A. there B. which C. from which D. from where
19. ___________ either you or I to look after her?
A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Should
20. They have a bridge to have ________ rebuilt.
A. somebody B. it C. / D. that
21. The tower is taller than _________ building around it.
A. any B. any other C. the other D. any of the other
22. Don't make any noises, __________ you?
A. do B. can C. will D. won't
23. It rains more often in Shanghai than _________.
A. Beijing B. in Beijing C. it in Beijing D. that in Beijing
24. I wish to have a word with you, ________ I?
A. don't B. can't C. will D. may
25. Towards ________ evening, _________ cold rain began.
A. /;a B. an; a C. an; / D. the; /
26. He spent much of his spare time __________ the nearby forest where he kept a garden.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
27. The two pairs of shoes are different _________ size.
A. on B. about C. from D. in
28. He has made much progress _________ these years.
A. since B. from C. for D. over
29. Written English is more or less the same ________ both Britain and America, though there are some spelling differences.
A. in B. as C. with D. to
30. About half an hour _______ and I found that I had lost my way.
A. later B. late C. or so D. passed
31. Zhouzhou is _____ success as a conductor, _____ disabled child as he is.
A. a, the B. a, / C. /, a D. the, a
32. __________ from his expression, he was greatly moved.
A. To be judged B. To judge C. Judging D. Judged
33. Mrs. Black took the police back to____ place ____ she witnessed the robbery.
A. the same; as B. the same; where C. the same; that D. as the same; as
34. Nothing can make him turn _________.
A. thief B. a thief C. thieves D. both A and B
35. They are _________ children that they can't dress themselves.
A. so little B. such little C. so small D. too small
36. What he did suggested that he _________ little education.
A. receive B. receives C. had received D. should receive
37. Bob insisted that John _________ the wallet.
A. steal B. should steal C. has stolen D. had stolen
38. There is nothing else _________ a table in the room.
A. besides B. but C. except D. except for
39. The window ___________ while he slept, he caught a cold.
A. opening B. open C. to open D. was open
40. The car got the medal, but its driver came close to _________.
A. be killed B. being killed C. kill D. killing
41. I'm going to town, for there is something I need __________.
A. buy B. to buy C. to be bought D. buying
42. Tom might have come to school in time for class, __________.
A. if he got up earlier B. unless he had got up earlier
C. but he got up rather late D. but he had got up so late.
43. The skin of snakes _______ some kinds of musical instruments.
A. is used to make B. is used to making
C. are used to make D. are used to be made
44. The tables in that restaurant are so close together that there's hardly any room to move __________ them.
A. between B. among C. in the middle of D. at the center of
45. The room _____ face south is the bedroom of his.
A. whose B. whose window C. which D. the windows of which
46. __________ about the get-together, few of them were present.
A. Not having been told B. Having not been told
C. Having been not told D. Having been told not
47. ____a long time since I saw you last time.
A. It was B. It is C. It had been D. It can be
48. There is no _______ book in the bookshop.
A. / B. a C. such D. such a
49. ---How many people are still leading ___ life under ___ poverty line in the world?
--- Perhaps one fourth.
A. the; 不填 B. a; the C. a; a D. 不填; 不填
50. ---Sorry. I forgot to post the letter for you.
---Never mind. __________ it myself after school.
A. I'm going to post B. I'll post C. I'd rather post D. I had better post
51. As they are retired, Mr and Mrs Scott prefers a house in the country to spend their late years to _____ in a large city.
A. like B. it C. one D. that
52. ---What’s the difference between the first house and the second ?
---The first house has a garage while the second has _____.
A. no one B. nothing C. neither D. none
53. ---We are leaving on June 15.
---So why not come to spend _____ days with us? I’m serious.
A. all these last few B. these all last few
C. these last few all D. all last these few
54. I hadn’t intended to get much from the business I ran the first year, while it ____ so well.
A. worked out B. carried out C. made out D. turned out
55. He might have_____ his idea about the art at the exhibition much better if he had planned what he wanted to say.
A. carried out B. turned out C. thought out D. made out
56. I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I succeeded _______.
A. first of all B. in all C. at all D. after all
57. On the third floor there are two rooms, _____ is used as a meeting-room.
A. one of them B. the larger of which
C. and a larger of them D. the largest one of which
58. _____much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to do.
A. How B. However C. Whatever D. No matter
59. ---_____ I watch TV, I’ll turn it down and never make any noise.
--- Good. ______ you are doing should never disturb others. _______ how important you are, never forget about how others feel.
A. Whatever; Whenever; No matter B. Whenever; Whatever; No matter
C. Whether; Whatever; 不填 D. No matter; Whenever; 不填
60. ---How exciting ! I drove my new car at a speed of 110km/h on Sunday morning.
---Were you crazy ? You ______ yourself !
A. must have killed B. would have killed
C. should have killed D. could have killed
61. The crowd is too noisy, but anyway I have to make myself ______ to them because the news is so important to them.
A. know B. understood C. heard D. known
62. _____ be sent to work there ?
A. Who do you suggest that should B. Who do you suggest
C. Do you suggest whom should D. Do you suggest who should
63. --- Hi, Brown! Are you going to have an outing?
A.I can’t say B. Yes, I will do
C. It’s fun to do so D. That all depends
64.---Cliff, I lost your ball at school. I suppose I should pay for it.
--- Oh. _____. It was just an old ball anyway.
A. Take it easy B. By no means C. You got it D. Forget it
65.---It must have been a wonderful evening, but you see, I’m terribly sorry I was late again.
---Well, _____, but please come a bit earlier for the next party.
A. My pleasure B. I’m glad to hear that C. No, thanks D. It’s OK
66. _______ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.
A. What is required B. What requires C. It is required D. It requires
67. Last year the Browns moved to Toronto, ____ they had long dreamed of living in.
A. where B. which C. in which D. that
68. What would you like me ______?
A. to help B. to help you C. helping you D. to help you with
69. If the project should be delayed for a day, ______ would mean we would be fined $100,000.
A. that B. as C. which D. and it
70. Most students in our class prefer taking pains in their study to ______ with better education.
A. be equipped B. being equipped C. equipped D. equipping
1-5 CCDDC 6-10 BCCCC 11-15 BCABB 16-20 BADCC
21-25. ACBDA 26-30. ADDAD 31-35. BCBAB 36-40. CDABB
41-45. BCAAD 46-50. ABCBB 51-55. CDAAD 56-60. DBBBD
61-65 DBDDD 66-70. CBDAA

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