
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 02:34:53


I stomped into my room this afternoon and threw the door shut. I was just so angry, so sad. For the millionth time, my parents and I disagreed at the question of getting me tutoring. My father persisted that if I don’t go to Maths and English tuition, then I would fail my exams, get kicked out of school and wind up poor and starved on the streets! That is so unfair! Why can I not get good grades through my own effort and talent? There is something in this world that is more important than that number on your exam paper, and that something is your own ability to learn and create. But my parents just don’t understand that. Well, perhaps that is called the generation gap. But I really hope that we can communicate with each other and solve this problem.

求一篇关于和父母吵架的英语作文100~120词跪求一篇和父母吵架的英语作文,写明吵架原因和感想就行100~120词,越快越好! 求一篇关于父母吵架,女儿写了一封信劝他们别吵了的英语作文 求一篇和父母吵架后的解决方法的英语作文 当父母吵架时 英语作文以“当父母吵架时”为题写一篇英语作文.要求写出当时的感受和想法以及对他们的建议. 一篇关于和父母吵架该怎么办的英语作文 70个词不要写的太好 也不要写的太差 写一篇关于“我和朋友吵架了,我该怎么办?”为题的英语作文! 写一篇关于父母和我生日的英语作文 关于与父母吵架为话题作文必须是英语 与父母吵架的作文 为关于父母吵架的作文写个开头 写一篇关于和父母怎样沟通的英语作文,100个词左右 孩子和父母吵架给他一些建议的英语作文 拜求一篇关于父母和孩子之间关于代沟的一百二十字英语作文,提前谢谢了 父母关心、爱护的作文或父母的爱作文新浪博客中有一篇关于自己写晚了作业和妈妈吵架的作文,要是哪位看见了,最好提交!明天就要! 我跟父母吵架的英语作文80词左右, 关于与父母亲吵架写一篇英语作文要求英语缺课以及与父母亲吵架这两个主题二选一,每个主题写一篇正式的道歉信和一篇非正式的道歉信. 用英语写一篇关于吵架的作文不用太长80字就可以了额 英语作文、帮忙写一篇谢谢求大神帮助一篇回信 Mary受到Jack的来信 信中Jack说自己很喜欢玩电脑游戏但是父母担心会影响学习不让他玩,为此他的父母经常和他吵架,他很烦恼不知道该怎么办.