
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/03 01:41:01


My job in future
I want to be a doctor in the future.
In that way,I could help other people who is sick.I will keep not only the old but also the kid from being sick.I don't want them be terrible or dying.I promise I will save them all.That's my rule.
Isn't it a good choice?I think that' my future,my choice.I will work hard to let it come ture.

I want to be a policeman when I grow up. Because policeman is so brave. And they would like to help people. They can catch the crime and protect(保护) the guilty(无辜者). So I want to be a policeman when I grow up. I want to help the guilty.

My job in future
I want to be a doctor in the future.
In that way,I could help other people who is sick.I will keep not only the old but also the kid from being sick.I don't want them be ter...


My job in future
I want to be a doctor in the future.
In that way,I could help other people who is sick.I will keep not only the old but also the kid from being sick.I don't want them be terrible or dying.I promise I will save them all.That's my rule.
Isn't it a good choice?I think that' my future,my choice.I will work hard to let it come ture.


My job in future
I want to be a doctor in the future.
In that way,I could help other people who is sick.I will keep not only the old but also the kid from being sick.I do...


My job in future
I want to be a doctor in the future.
In that way,I could help other people who is sick.I will keep not only the old but also the kid from being sick.I don't want them be terrible or dying.I promise I will save them all.That's my rule.
Isn't it a good choice?I think that' my future,my choice.I will work hard to let it come ture.
I want to be a policeman when I grow up. Because policeman is so brave. And they would like to help people. They can catch the crime and protect(保护) the guilty(无辜者). So I want to be a policeman when I grow up. I want to help the guilty.
My job in future
I want to be a doctor in the future.
In that way,I could help other people who is sick.I will keep not only the old but also the kid from being sick.I don't want them be terrible or dying.I promise I will save them all.That's my rule.
Isn't it a good choice?I think that' my future,my choice.I will work hard to let it come ture.


My dream job
I want to be a teacher.I want to teach children ,because I know teachers is not very free.It's easy for them to get tired when they teach us.But they don't say anythings.So I want t...


My dream job
I want to be a teacher.I want to teach children ,because I know teachers is not very free.It's easy for them to get tired when they teach us.But they don't say anythings.So I want to be a teacher.I really want to be a teacher!


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