有关宾语从句的几个问题.Please show me ______.A which the way is to the nearest bookstoreB.which is the way to the nearest bookstoreC.how can I find the way to the nearest bookstoreD.where is the nearest bookstore老师说这里which作主

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 18:34:44

Please show me ______.
A which the way is to the nearest bookstore
B.which is the way to the nearest bookstore
C.how can I find the way to the nearest bookstore
D.where is the nearest bookstore
My friend wanted to know _____ with his new car.
A.what wrong B.what is wrong
C.what wrong was D.what was wrong

1. 如果把which改成this可能有助于你的理
This is the way to the nearest bookstore.这是去书店最近的路.
同样,which is the way to the nearest bookstore也是陈述语序,which作主语.当特殊疑问代词作主语的时候,不改变陈述句的语序.又如:
Who helps you? Jim helps you.
2. What's wrong与What's the matter这两个句子的主语都是what,所以它们本身就是陈述语序.当它们放在宾语从句中时也不改变其语序.