信用证中short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable.信用证中third party as shipper is not acceptable.short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable.

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 10:26:14

信用证中short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable.
信用证中third party as shipper is not acceptable.short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable.

third party as shipper is not acceptable : 以第三方为发货人的提单不接受.(也就是说,发货人必须要是合同的卖方)
short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable : 简式提单/背面空白的提单不接受.(简式提单删除了提单背面的关于承运人和托运人权利义务的详细条款,所以该种提单的流通性有一定的局限,如果信用证不明确规定不接受简式提单,那么出口人可以提交简式提单,效力与全式提单相同)

信用证中short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable.信用证中third party as shipper is not acceptable.short form/blank back B/L is not acceptable. 什么叫short form/blank back bils of lading信用证里面有一段,说short form/blank back bils of lading not acceptable.其中short form/blank back bils of lading是什么含意呢 信用证中FORM OF 翻译:SHORT FORM BLANK BACK AIRWAY BILL NOT ACCEPABLE. STALE,CLAUSED,SHORT FORM,FREIGHT FORWARDER BLANK BACK AND HOUSE BILL OF LADING ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.信用证中这一条款,规定小单不可接受,但是是散货,出的只能是货代单,这样是不是就算不符点? SHORT FORM/BLANK BACK BILLS OF LADING NOT ACCEPTABLE 翻译,不要机器译的 short form Full Form和Short short form catalog是什么意思? THROUGH/SHORT FORM/CHARTER PARTY/FREIGHT FORWARDER/THIRD PARTY/CLAUSED/STALE B/L?信用证中的提单要求THROUGH/SHORT FORM/CHARTER PARTY/FREIGHT FORWARDER/THIRD PARTY/CLAUSED/STALE B/L NOT ACCEPTABLE是什么意思?大部分我懂,有一两条没 blank和form那个是美国英语? 信用证中这句怎么翻译Marine insurance policy or certificate issued in duplicate in negotiable form and blank endorsed for full cif invoice value plus 10 persent covering all risks evidencing claims payable at destination in the currency of t 英语翻译第一次接到信用证,不知道要注意些什么marine insurance policy or certificate in negotiable form and blank endorsed for 110 pct of invoice value payable in the currency of the credit irrespective of percentage covering allris 1》CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ISSUED BY THE CHAMBER TO BE SENT TO THE ANY COMPETANT AUTHORITY OF THE EXPORTING COUNTRY 2> FORWARDER'S CARGO RECEIPT ,THIRD AND CHARTER PARTY ,SHORT FORM,STALE AND BLANK BACKED BILL OF LADING NOT ACCEPTABLE. 信用证中presentation blank blank 信用证中关于提单的条款中有这样一句话:TO ORDER OF(某外国银行名字)AND BLANK ENDORSED 这是啥意思啊哪位大侠知道这是啥意思啊,谁来背书啊