席帝的歌~~Loved me back to life的中文翻译自己翻译的不十分美丽,求大神级翻译~~席琳迪恩的哦,不要整成其它歌

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/03 02:42:53

席帝的歌~~Loved me back to life的中文翻译

I was walking dead stuck inside my head /我的脑子 死气沈沈 仿佛卡住了一般
I couldn't get out /我走不出这阴霾
Turn the lights down /把灯给熄了吧
The voices inside were so loud /脑子里的回响 越渐大声了
Need a jump-start,catatonia /需要来点重启 精神紧绷的要命
I couldn't feel,/我感觉不到
I wish that I could disappear /真希望 自己能就此消失
The voices inside were so real /脑子里的回音 多麼的真实
But you stood by my side./而你却对我不离不弃
Night after night,night after night./夜夜不离 连夜不弃
You loved me back to life,life /你的爱 使我回到了真实世界,这个世界
From the coma,/在那遥远的彗星浮云
The wait is over./等待 已结束了
You loved me back to life,life /你给的爱 使我重生,浴火重生
From the coma,/从那意识混浊的深处
We're lovers again tonight./今晚 我们再次相爱
Back to life,back to life,back to life,back to life,yeah
You woke me up,one touch and I felt alive /你换醒了我 那个触摸 使我感到再次活了过来
You loved me back to life,back to life,thought I died./你的爱将我拉了回来 重生一切 我以为我早已归西
The voices inside were so quiet./现在脑子里的声响 多麼的宁静
But you stood by my side./而你却对我不离不弃
Night after night,night after night./夜夜不离 连夜不弃
You loved me back to life,life /你的爱 使我回到了真实世界,这个世界
From the coma,/在那遥远的彗星浮云
The wait is over./等待 已结束了
You loved me back to life,life /你给的爱 使我重生,浴火重生
From the coma,/从那意识混浊的深处
We're lovers again tonight./今晚 我们再次相爱
Strong hand,thick skin and an open heart /强韧的手臂 厚实的肌肤 还有一颗对我敞开的心灵
You saw through the pain,saw through the mask /你懂我的痛苦 我的每个狰狞
You never gave up on me,yeah /你对我 永远不离不弃
You loved me back to life,life /你的爱 使我回到了真实世界,这个世界
From the coma,/在那遥远的彗星浮云
The wait is over./等待 已结束了
You loved me back to life,life /你给的爱 使我重生,浴火重生
From the coma,/从那意识混浊的深处
We're lovers again tonight /今晚 我们再次相爱
Back to life,back to life,back to life,back to life /一切重生 重新复蘇
Back to life.back to life,back to life,back to life /浴火重生 再次复活