一道SAT语法题 11年5月份真题 \x05The discovery of geysers erupting from the floors of several oceans convinced scientists that hydrothermal vents exist around the world rather than only in the Pacific_________________________.A basin,which i

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一道SAT语法题 11年5月份真题
\x05The discovery of geysers erupting from the floors of several oceans convinced scientists that hydrothermal vents exist around the world rather than only in the Pacific_________________________.

A basin,which is where they thought previously 
       B basin as they had previously thought

因为科学家们的错误猜测是在过去的过去,所以要用过去完成时态.仅凭这点就可以排除A了.除此之外,A的分句并不完整,副词的位置也不对,其实一定要which is where这种很啰嗦的句式也不是不可以,但语法正确的也应该是这样的 ...rather than only in the Pacific basin,which is where they had previously thought they to be.但这样的话第二个they就又可能产生歧义,为了避免就必须说完整,即 ...which is where they had previously thought the vents to be.如何,是不是更啰嗦了?所以还是别用这个句式的好.