
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 23:42:01


2,fringe civil in nature as a special civil action,it should be the protection of victims of civil rights,any of the organs and individuals can be denied,Whether it is through civil proceedings or criminal fringe through civil proceedings.3,although nowadays for crime victims by the spirit of losses suffered an ancillary lawsuit People's Court,in the law and no excuse not to support it inadmissible,But crime victims and the extent of the damage to the spirit of abundance,damaging consequences.it should have judicial relief,and make moral damage compensation,has become an urgent task.4,the criminals and criminally prosecuted criminals request the victim's mental damages.Two different kinds of responsibilities.The former criminals to the State of infidelity,and the latter is the victim of criminals assume the responsibility of private law,criminally prosecuted no substitute for the spirit of civil damages.China's existing laws and judicial interpretations have not yet clear moral damage compensation,but in the long term,This should be incidental civil action to resolve problems.

2, the supplementary civil action in the nature took one kind of special civil action, should protect victim's civil right, any institution and individual all cannot deprive, no matter it is carries o...


2, the supplementary civil action in the nature took one kind of special civil action, should protect victim's civil right, any institution and individual all cannot deprive, no matter it is carries on through the civil action procedure through the criminal supplementary civil action procedure.
3、 because although at present the criminality suffers the spirit regarding the victim to lose files the supplementary civil action, the people's court take Yu Fawu according to as a reason, does not prepay holds, does not give accepts, but victim spirit harm situation massive existences which causes because of the criminality, according to has the harm consequence occurrence, must have in the judicial relief, makes stipulation the spirit damage compensate, has become the urgent matter.
4, to the criminal offender investigated the legal responsibility and the request criminal offender carries on the spirit damage compensate to the victim, is two nature different responsibilities.The former is the criminal offender the public law responsibility which undertakes to the country, the latter is the criminal offender the civil law responsibility which undertakes to the victim, investigated the legal responsibility cannot replace civil on the spirit damage compensate.In our country present law and the judicial interpretation not yet explicitly stipulates the spiritual harm the compensation, but in the long-range view, this also must become the question which the supplementary civil action solves.


英语翻译2、附带民事诉讼在性质上作为一种特殊的民事诉讼,就应保护受害人的民事权利,任何机关和个人都不能剥夺,不管它是通过民事诉讼程序还是通过刑事附带民事诉讼程序进行.3、尽管 汞作为一种金属为何同其它金属在物理性质上有如此大的区别? 哲学是一种什么性质的学问,它在什么意义上有用? 英语翻译翻译内容 浅谈环境艺术设计中的人性化设计环境艺术设计作为一种文化表现形式,不仅要求对人们在工作以及生活的客观需求实现满足,同时还需要满足人们在精神以及审美上的需要. 点D E在三角形ABC的边BC上 AB=AC AD=AE 求证BD=CE要用两种性质做 每种性质做一种方法 性质1:等腰三角形的两个底角相等性质2:等腰三角形的顶角平分线、底边上的中线、底边上的高相互重合 英语翻译Laplace变换作为一种重要的数学变换,在物理学和数学等方面有着重要的作用.而本文首先阐述的是Laplace变换在的定义以及其相关的性质.其次是通过一些具体的例子.比较详细的介绍了L 英语翻译河灯是一种浮在水面上漂流的灯笼,晚上使用,好象水面上的一颗颗星星.河灯作为一种节日用品,在很多地方已成习俗,渐已发展成为一种希望的象征.我们厂的河灯直径38cm,有各种各样 英语翻译事物总是处于不断的变化之中,把握事物变化中的不变性质是认识事物本质的有效途径,这种不变性质在数学上称为不变量.代数不变量是数学中的一个很重要的概念,作为不变量的一类 英语翻译摘要旅游是人类在满足物质生活的同时,开始对精神生活的追求.旅游作为一种文化性质的活动,已经越来越多的成为人们关注的话题,并且成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分.游客接待 硅作为一种重要的半导体材料,与它的什么性质有关? 英语翻译1、笔在桌子上.2、桌子上的笔.which还没有学到,能否换一种说法? 英语翻译它是一种改变物体表面性质的处理过程. 航空煤油是一种什么性质的燃油?它有什么特性?辛烷值是多少?航空煤油与航空汽油在性质上有哪些不同? 英语翻译商店名称语言研究不仅是语言应用研究的新视角,更是一个涉及历史、文化、社会、心理、经济管理等诸多学科的综合研究课题.商店名称作为一种应用语言,既具有语言的一般性质,又 在光谱上紫光以外也有一种看不见的光叫().紫外线最显著的性质是() 英语翻译she often appears on the stage as a young girl.她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘1appear...as...本意是:(作为...出现...) 所以直译翻译是:她经常作为小姑娘出现在舞台上.2而 (作为.. 在什么条件下,规模经济性可以作为一种进入壁垒? 英语翻译在充满机遇和挑战的21世纪,英语作为一种国际性语言,在国际交流中发挥着举足轻重的作用.在口语的学习过程当中,存在着各种各样的障碍.文化上的差异,不愿开口说英语,一味的追求