
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 19:25:50



您好! 借:borrow 快:fast、quick 激励:encourage 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

激励=na.1. 【电子】drive; excitation; energize 2. encourage; impel; urge; inspire; excite; stimulate; put one on one's mettle Old and young cadres learn from each other and encourage each other. 新老干部相互学习,相互...


激励=na.1. 【电子】drive; excitation; energize 2. encourage; impel; urge; inspire; excite; stimulate; put one on one's mettle Old and young cadres learn from each other and encourage each other. 新老干部相互学习,相互激励。 快=adj.1. fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy Please don't speak so fast. 请别说得那么快。 2. speed How fast can this car go? 这车能跑多快? 3. sharp; keen This knife is very sharp. 这把刀很快。 4. pleased; happy; gratified 5. hurry up; make haste Hurry in, children. It's raining ! 孩子们,快进来,下雨啦! adv.1. quickly Come here quickly! 快来! 2. soon; before long The Spring Festival is drawing near. 春节快到了。 借=v.1. borrow 2. lend Could you lend me your bicycle? 你把自行车借给我骑一下好吗? 3. make use of; take advantage of (an opportunity, etc.) Fanned by the wind, the fire burned more and more furiously. 火借风势,越烧越旺。 4. use as a pretext He found an excuse and left. 他借故走了。 有用请采纳
