英语口语一分钟介绍“我的生活经验” 稿子.高二水平,英文稿 帮忙随便编一个,谢谢 急求阿!!!!!

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 10:39:10

英语口语一分钟介绍“我的生活经验” 稿子.
高二水平,英文稿 帮忙随便编一个,谢谢 急求阿!!!!!

既然是介绍生活经验,那么发言主要应该围绕你的一到两个经历及总结为主体段展开,在我看来,你的这个题目就是在要求你讲述what I learnt while going throughnlife.而既然你只有一分钟的时间,按照正常速度,应该在90~100词左右.
By anyone's measure I grew up hard.I then made subject choices,which caused me to further deal with hardships and unfairness in life.By doing so I learned some things..
First of all,I learned the world of knowledge is full of shit but that grass and flowers grow in between the piles of shit.
Second,I observed that God gave each of us some equal opportunities .He also gave us free choices on how we determine to choose.
The choices to...
A)Roll around in the shit
B)Step in the shit then shake it off
C)Watch ahead and step around the shit
D)And,for a very few of world leader material,the ability to agressively and purposely go right after the shit piles and kick them and work them down into the ground so they can provide fertilizer to make the grass and flowers grow taller and greener.
Often I see people on here rolling around in shit.Yeah,it's shit,it's there,it isn't your fault it's there.but it is your fault your rolling around in it.
How do you deal with the piles you come across?

日常英语可以找外国人聊,聊着聊着就有自信了,语法错了都无所谓,外国人一般还是听的懂,主要是开口 "


日常英语可以找外国人聊,聊着聊着就有自信了,语法错了都无所谓,外国人一般还是听的懂,主要是开口 "


(全文保证原创) 估计你的英文题目是life experience吧,那题目翻译成生活经历更好。
Hello everyone,I'd like to say something of my life experience currently(now).
Being a high school student,I do my daily routine with great pas...


(全文保证原创) 估计你的英文题目是life experience吧,那题目翻译成生活经历更好。
Hello everyone,I'd like to say something of my life experience currently(now).
Being a high school student,I do my daily routine with great passion.Everyday,my alarm,which reminds me that I'm studying for my future career,wakes me up.Then I quickly get myself dressed and begin a hard-working day with joy as well. I guess thousands of my classmates feel the same way.
In the daytime,my schedule is occupied with courses given by school.So I have to finish the homework within the rest hours.Sometimes I have no choice but to burn the night oil to review the lessons and get my homework done.When the job is done and lying on my bed,I feel so relaxed and pleasant.The happyness coming from the bottom of my heart keeps telling me how worthwhile it is! I consider this kind of life suffering,but also rewarding.
Fighting for a dream is not a slogen or something to do in a certain period,it's a life experience carried out by me everyday.
That's all, thank you! (绝对原创,还可以的话请给我分数,谢谢~!)


英语口语一分钟介绍“我的生活经验” 稿子.高二水平,英文稿 帮忙随便编一个,谢谢 急求阿!!!!! 关于英语学习经验的演讲稿就是介绍怎样学习英语3-5分钟的稿子.中文的.今天晚上就要, 请介绍一本极其不错的英语口语书!注意!我希望能让这本书充满日常生活的每一分钟. 本人急需英语口语测试稿子,时间1分钟左右,主题:MY DREAM .本人大学生,梦想最好和我的年龄现状相符,不要太超过. 有没有英语口语在工作之后提高的成功人士给我介绍一下经验,给我指明一个努力方向, 一分钟演讲的稿子,类似于评论(语文作业) 急求我的大学为主题的演讲稿!如题.我要文字优美,感情比较真挚的.时间限制在5分钟内.大家速度点吧,我今天要把稿子写好的.还有希望有演讲经验的介绍一下心得吧,我是第一次上台演讲哈!最 英语的自我介绍加介绍我的家乡宜昌,求稿子!自我介绍只需要一分钟的就够了,介绍我的家乡宜昌的只需要三分钟的,最好在2011年06月17日之前给我,18日要比赛, 介绍一本提高英语口语的书 急需一个英语口语比赛的稿子只需一个小故事 最好给我两三篇 急求一篇英语口语2人对话的稿子,要4分钟的,题材健康积极向上,好的会再追加积快速要稿子~一定要英语口语2人对话的~时间要有保证~问题突然改变了,不好意思,能帮帮我把下面的一些文字 求英语口语家教经验朋友介绍了一个英语口语家教 对方是一个三四十岁的大姐 准备出国 但英语基础很浅 所以想提前学习一些简单的英文会话 以帮助她在国外的度假生活.我之前没带过口语 歌颂祖国的英语稿子要一分钟半左右的稿子,希望之星英语比赛用! 三分钟左右英语演讲稿,我有一个梦想、生活很棒.急用!尽量顺口一点.两篇的稿子都要. 我要英语口语介绍 请给我一个自我介绍稿子,1分钟左右.12岁的,男,1分钟左右 关于校运会通讯员的稿子RT!小弟我第一次做校运会通讯员,可是我不是很会写稿子!有经验的朋友来帮帮忙吖!不要复制的吖! 如何提高英语口语,我没什么基础,如何提高英语口语,最好有自己的经验来说说