
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 18:26:03

Dear Doris,
Haven't heard form you for a log time,I'm writing ti tell you songthing about WenChuan Earthquake.

Dear Doris,
Haven't heard form you for a long time,I'm writing to tell you songthing about WenChuan Earthquake. At the afternoon on the May 12th 2008, a terrible earthquake stroke Wenchuang in the Sichuang Province, leaving the death toll amounting to more than 90 thousand, in addition to 10 thousand missing so far.
A huge number of houses and buildings collapsed when the earthquake hit this area, and the transport and telecommunications were cut off after the tremendous damage to the infrastruture.
When the tragedy occured, Party Central Committee and the State Council paid a higher attention to the relief work; PLA rushed to repair at very early time.
I believe that with the leadship of our Party and government, with the devotion of our PLA, and with all the support of our fellow citizens domestic and overseas, the victim in the disaster area can rebuild their hometown in a short time.
God Bless Them

Dear Doris,
Haven't heard form you for a long time,I'm writing to tell you songthing about WenChuan Earthquake.
There was 1900 that was dead and i was so sad when they dies because everyone ...


Dear Doris,
Haven't heard form you for a long time,I'm writing to tell you songthing about WenChuan Earthquake.
There was 1900 that was dead and i was so sad when they dies because everyone is so sad. We wish they didn't died.and io feel sorry for you that the people had dies like your friends, families and relatives.nut i hope you feel okay of how you feel about the people that died in the accident and i feel very very very sorry for them and i wish they were alive so i still see there face and there whole body.
Your Sincerly **


May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province. It was t...


May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province. It was terrible.We can't describle the scene what we saw with any words.thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to have families to continue their lives .I am sympathetic to their fate ! But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change it .For example ,there many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours during the earthquake!
祝你学习进步啊 <当地震来临时> 中文
When the Tangshan big earthquake healed, when east 98 year flood disaster great river goes time, works as in February the storm by the will of the people warming time. on May 12! is this on May 12, a earth bang, Wenchuan by card on destiny pharynx and larynx. macroseism, rainstorm, mud-rock flow, I saw path collapsing, the house ash flies the smoke to extinguish. I see old person, the middle age, also has these the children who ringing studies, like this vanishes outside very close on the horizon. why does in the my eye contain the tears completely? that is under the ruins, has the sound micro rest and stillResounding, “I also am living now, I am very happy.” that is above the cloud layer, the 4999 meters upper airs, the jumping paratrooper complements the earth most propitious clouds, has an old person, he takes constant care of the many affairs of sate. still day and night body near most frontal zone. in remnant wall and in frequent shake, he the healthy back, looks like a big stable wall, all disasters will keep them out.
AROUND 2:28 pm on Monday, Zhu Qi had his first brush with terror. He’d been awakened from an afternoon nap. His bunk was shaking. The door to his dormitory room was jammed shut. When Zhu, a postgrad at Chengdu University of Technology, managed to join his classmates outside, the earth had stopped moving. But the damage had been done.
At area universities, students had fled dorms and classrooms with the clothes on their back. But at least they were alive. Only 96 kilometers away in Wenchuan County, thousands of people, young and old, were buried in rubble.
The 7.8-magnitude quake had devastated a region of small cities and towns set amid the steep and forested hills of northwestern Sichuan. The quake is China’s worst in three decades. The full reach of the damage has yet to be determined. By press time, around 12,000 people were dead.
Some 1,300 rescue and relief troops arrived for the first time at Wenchuan County on Tuesday.
Li Fuhang, a junior at the Chengdu Institute of Sichuan International Studies University (CISISU), could only think of his parents at home in Dujiangyan County. Shortly after the quake, he tried to call them. He couldn’t get through. Fearing the worst, he logged onto QQ, where he learned that his parents had been spared.
His father had been traveling and was 800km from Chengdu. His mom was picking up his cousin from a school in Dujiangyan when she felt the quake and watched as buildings around her began to collapse.
“We chatted briefly,” said Li. “I haven’t heard from them since, but I feel good. I feel like I have been saved from hell.”
Other students are still awaiting news of loved ones who lived near the quake’s epicenter. Wen Zao, an advisor at CISISU, said the school is doing its best to ease their anxiety.
“The advisors have talked to each of them and asked about their family situations,” she said. “We’re helping them contact their families to relieve their worries.”
Meanwhile, students all over the region are waiting to find out what the immediate future will hold. On Tuesday, the Ministry of Education asked schools and universities to adjust their teaching schedules in light of the disaster. By press time, these revised schedules had not been announced.
“Last night, at our university, 20,000 students spent the night on the pitch,” said Zhu, the grad student who was awakened from his afternoon nap. “We don’t want to do it another night, because it is still raining here.”
He admits that he has a lot more to be thankful for than some people. “I feel bad. I heard that more than 10,000 have been killed and that the number keeps growing.
“I have been to Wenchuan before, the people there are nice and friendly, I feel sad…” he said, his voice trailing off into silence.


5月12日四川汶川发生多少级地震 2008年5月12日在四川汶川发生8.0级大地震,死伤多少人?唉... 修改病句:2008年5月12日的四川汶川大地震,一些地方感受到强烈的震撼 2008年5月12日14时28分四川汶川大地震一共死了多少人?具体人数! 关于四川汶川大地震的报道英语版2008年5月12日14时28分在四川汶川县发生8.0级地震,包括北京、上海、贵州、等全国各省市均有震感.截至6月17日12时,四川汶川地震已造成67172人遇难,17420人失踪, 2008年5月12日汶川地震的感人事迹? 2008年5月12日汶川地震 2008年5月12日四川汶川发生8级大地震,该地震范围之广强度之大,在新中国史上是? 2008年5月12日,四川汶川大地震,一想起这次灾难,我就想起()()()()等词语 四川汶川地震,使震区形成了几个堰塞湖?2008年5月12日下午14时28分发生的 2008年5月12日14时28分,中国四川汶川遭遇八级地震.用一个排比句安慰灾区人民. 2008年5月12日14时28分四川汶川发生特大地震,此时,钟面上时针与分针的较小夹角是多少度? 到2008年6月18日四川汶川大地震死了多少人 5月12日四川汶川地震后 网友们都做点什么 5月12日下午28分四川汶川发生地震时伦敦时区是? 关于汶川地震的介绍与影响不是写关于感人事件 是客观的写这次汶川地震是很客观的 类似于2008年5月12日中国四川汶川发生8级强烈地震,造成了极其巨大的人员伤亡和经济损失.四川汶川地震 5月12日,四川汶川县发生里氏7.8级地震一个汶川朋友发出来的短信 从汶川出发,向都江堰方向,车行半小时处个玉龙硅厂;一小时绵什镇;一个半小时桃关村;四公里,一小时四十分钟,草坡沟.这 2008年5月12号四川汶川大地震是什么原因造成的?