计量关于简单回归模型的问题Two individuals fit earnings functions relating EARNINGS to S.The first individual does it correctly and obtains the resultEARNˆINGS = −1.39 +1.07SThe second individual makes a mistake and regresses S

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 05:45:04

Two individuals fit earnings functions relating EARNINGS to S.
The first individual does it correctly and obtains the result
EARNˆINGS = −1.39 +1.07S
The second individual makes a mistake and regresses S on EARNINGS,obtaining the following result:
Sˆ =12.255 + 0.097EARNINGS
From this result the second individual derives
EARNˆINGS = −126.95 +10.36S
Explain why this equation is different from that fitted by the first individual.
