一般现在时 单选 所填答案要写清理由In our school,classes _______ at two in the afternoon.A.begins B.begin C.began D.startsI want to go shopping tomorrow .Would you like to go with me Thay ____ great .A.sounding B.sounded C.sounds D.sou

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 02:30:16

一般现在时 单选 所填答案要写清理由
In our school,classes _______ at two in the afternoon.
A.begins B.begin C.began D.starts
I want to go shopping tomorrow .Would you like to go with me
Thay ____ great .
A.sounding B.sounded C.sounds D.sound
Tom ,what's your dream home
Hmm there're least 25 rooms .And it ____ three floors.
A.own B.have C.has D.get
What _____ he _____
He's a student .
A.does;do B.is;do C.do;do D.does;does
Steve____ an doctor
A.want to is B.wants to is C.want to be D.wants to be
What does she usually do on weekend She usually ______ TV.
A.watchs B.sees C.looks D.watches
Where ___ your maths teacher from?
A.does B.is C.do D.are
What these your cousin____
She is a bit thin with long black hair.
A.is;look like B.does;like C.is;like D.does;be like
Are these your notebooks
A.it is B.these are C.they are Dthey is
Where does your pen pal __
He _ in Tokyo.
A.live;lives B.live;live C.lives;live D.lines;lives
What kind of home does it __?
A.live B.live in C.lives C.lives in
Do you know he __ English every morning .
A.read B.reading C.is reading D.reads
Does Amy ___ music
A.like listening to B.like listening C.likes listening to D.likes to listen to

B classes是复数,所以用begin

C that是指上面的一起出去购物这一件事,所以用sounds

C 因为是it,所以用has,他的dream home有3层楼的意思

A 这句话的意思是“他是做什么的?”.因为是he,所以用does

D Steve想成为医生的意思,steve是人名,要用第三人称单数,想成为是to be

D she要用第三人称单数,看电视watch tv,watches是正确的评法

D maths teacher是复数

C 这个你打的不是很清楚,应该是what does your cousin look like或者是what is she like

C 问的是这些是你的笔记本么.问的是这些东西,复数,所以下句是they are

A 问的是你的笔友住在哪里.因为已经用了does,所以后面跟的是live.回答he第三人称单数,跟的是lives,他住在东京是he lives in tokyo

B 因为是第三人称单数,所以用lives,问住在怎么样的家里,得用lives in 

D 第三人称单数用reads

A 前面是does,所以跟like,听音乐是listen to music,所以得选likes listening to,like doing sth

In our school,classes _______ at two in the afternoon.
B.begin 主语复数, 一般现在时态。

I want to go shopping tomorrow . Would you like to go with me ?
That ____ great .
C.sounds ...


In our school,classes _______ at two in the afternoon.
B.begin 主语复数, 一般现在时态。

I want to go shopping tomorrow . Would you like to go with me ?
That ____ great .
C.sounds 动词三单

Tom ,what's your dream home ?
Hmm there're least 25 rooms .And it ____ three floors.
C.has 动词用第三人称单数。

What _____ he _____ ?
He's a student .
A.does;do 理由同上。
Steve____ an doctor
D.wants to be
want to do

What does she usually do on weekend ? She usually ______ TV.
D.watches watch Tv 看电视

Where ___ your maths teacher from?
B. is
What—— your cousin____ ?
She is a bit thin with long black hair.
C.is;like 询问人品,长相 be like
Are these your notebooks ?
C.they are
Where does your pen pal __ ?
He _ in Tokyo.
A.live;lives 理由同上。

What kind of home does it __?
B.live in

Do you know he __ English every morning .?

Does Amy ___ music ?
A.like listening to
