英语翻译就是这个:WHY CIVILIZATIONS WILL CLASHCivilization identity will be increasingly important in the future,and the world will be shaped in large measure by the interactions among seven or eight major civilizations.These include Western

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/05 07:17:29

Civilization identity will be increasingly important in the future,and the world will be shaped in large measure by the interactions among seven or eight major civilizations.These include Western,Confucian,Japanese,Islamic,Hindu,Slavic-Orthodox,Latin American and possibly African civilization.The most important conflicts of the future will occur along the cultural fault lines separating these civilizations from one another.
Why will this be the case?
First,differences among civilizations are not only real; they are basic.Civilizations are differentiated from each other by history,language,culture,tradition and,most important,religion.The people of different civilizations have different views on the relations between God and man,the individual and the group,the citizen and the state,parents and children,husband and wife,as well as differing views of the relative importance of rights and responsibilities,liberty and authority,equality and hierarchy.These differences are the product of centuries.They will not soon disappear.They are far more fundamental than differences among political ideologies and political regimes.Differences do not necessarily mean conflict,and conflict does not necessarily,mean violence.Over the centuries,however,differences among civilizations have generated the most prolonged and the most violent conflicts.
Second,the world is becoming a smaller place.The interactions between peoples of different civilizations are increasing; these increasing interactions intensify civilization consciousness and awareness of differences between civilizations and commonalities within civilizations.North African immigration to France generates hostility among Frenchmen and at the same time increased receptivity to immigration by "good" European Catholic Poles.Americans react far more negatively to Japanese investment than to larger investments from Canada and European countries.Similarly,as Donald Horowitz has pointed out,"An Ibo may be ...an Owerri Ibo or an Onitsha Ibo in what was the Eastern region of Nigeria.In Lagos,he is simply an Ibo.In London,he is a Nigerian.In New York,he is an African." The interactions among peoples of different civilizations enhance the civilization-consciousness of people that,in turn,invigorates differences and animosities stretching or thought to stretch back deep into history.

第二,世界正在变小.属于不同文明的人们的交流互动正在增加;而这些互动强化了对文明的自觉和对文化间差异性和共同性的意识.前往法国的北非移民引发了法国人的敌对意识,而同时也因为善良的欧洲天主教会而增加了对移民的接受度.(这句话的后半句有点疑惑,对打了引号的good和poles的含义不是很理解.)美国人对来自日本的投资比对更大数额的来自加拿大和欧洲国家投资的反应更为消极、排斥.同样的,正如唐纳德 霍罗威茨曾指出的:“一个伊博族人(尼日利亚东南部的非洲人)可以是…… Owerri伊博人或者是位于尼日利亚东部地区的Onitsha伊博人.(但)在拉各斯(尼日利亚首都) ,他单纯就是一个伊博人.到了伦敦,他是个尼日利亚人.(而)在纽约,他就是个非洲人.”这些来自不同文明的人们的互动加强了人们的文明自觉(译者理对自己所属文明的认同),反过来看,也鼓舞了差异和憎恶的扩张或者鼓舞了探寻(自身文明)历史的想法.(最后一句的意译也可能需要斟酌)
第三,全世界经济现代化和社会变迁的进程正在把人们长久以来形成的地域同一性给打破了.他们还弱化了国家作为人们从源头上对自身身份确认的力量.在世界上大多数地方,宗教跻身而入,它们通常采取贴上原教旨主义标签的方式开展活动,踊跃填补这一空隙.这样的举动可以在诸如西方基督教,犹太教、佛教、印度教和伊斯兰教等宗教中找到.在大多数国家和地区,那些在原教旨主义中活跃的身影都是年轻、大学毕业、出身中产阶级的技师、专家和商人.“宗教与教育合一”,乔治魏格尔强调,“是20世纪末期世界上占统治地位的社会现实”.宗教的复兴,“la revanche de Dieu(不懂法语,是法语吧?)”,正如基尔斯克佩尔给它起的名字那样,为(自身身份的)确认和(为宗教国家)献身优于国家间的纽带和文明的联结提供了一个基础.(这句是我的理解,没把握.)