other,others,the other,eatch other,one...the other和another的区别 怎样用 用于什么地方不要只告我意思意思 用法 例句,都要

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/11 21:17:33

other,others,the other,eatch other,one...the other和another的区别 怎样用 用于什么地方
意思 用法 例句,都要

other,the other,others,the others,another的用法:
○1后接复数名词.如There are many students on the playground.Some students are playing,other students are standing in line.
○2后接ones.如 There are many students on the playground.Some students are playing,other ones are standing in line.
2.the other的用法:
(1) adj.“别的;其他的”.
○1后接复数名词.如 There are seven pens on the table.Three are black,the other pens are red.
○2后接ones.如 There are seven pens on the table.Three are black,the other ones are red.
注:作形容词时,the other与other的区别:加the表示范围确定或特指;不加the 表示范围不确定或泛指.
(2) adj./ pron.“(两者中的)另一个”.
○1后接单数名词.如 I have two brothers.One is Tom,the other brother is David.
○2后接one.如 I have two brothers.One is Tom,the other one is David.
○3后面不接词.如 I have two brothers.One is Tom,the other is David.
注:常见句型“一个…,另一个…”:One…,the other…
3.others与the others的用法:
(1)都只作pron.译作“别的/其他的人/物”.加the表示范围确定或特指;不加the 表示 范围不确定或泛指.如 There are many students on the playground.Some are playing,others are standing in line./ There are seven pens on the table.Three are black,the others are red.
(2)others = other + 复数名词/ones,the others = the other +复数名词/ones.(参考前边的例句) 注:常见句型“一些…,其余的…”:_Some…,others…
(1) adj./ pron.“(三者以上的)另一个”.
○1后接单数名词.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another apple?
○2后接one.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another one?
○3后面不接词.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another?
(2) adj.“另…个”.用于“another + 数词 / few + …”句型中.
○1后接复数名词.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another five / few apples?
○2后接ones.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another five / few ones?
○3后面不接词.如 I have eaten some apples.Could you give me another five / few?
注:(a) another后面不能直接连复数名词,必须在加上数词或few之后才能连接复数名词.如 Could you give me another apples?×
(b) another +数词+复数名词 = 数词 + more +复数名词.
如 I want another two books = I want two more books.
(c) another + few + 复数名词 = a few + more + 复数名词
如 Give me another few chances = Give me a few more chances.
(d)常见词组:“一个接一个”one after another / one after the other / one by one ,“彼此;互相”one another / each other.
(3) 能作代词的the other,others,the others,another后面都可以有所有格形式,即在它们后面加 ’或 ’s ,分别译作“另一个的”或“其他人/物的”.如 Each person looked after the other’s bag./ We should think of others’ feelings.

other 形容词 “别的,其它的”+ 复数名词 (other students )
the other 代词 “(两者之中的)另一个” one ... the other... “一个... ,另一个..."
比如:I have two brothers. One is a worker, the other is a doctor.
others 代词 “别的(人...


other 形容词 “别的,其它的”+ 复数名词 (other students )
the other 代词 “(两者之中的)另一个” one ... the other... “一个... ,另一个..."
比如:I have two brothers. One is a worker, the other is a doctor.
others 代词 “别的(人或事物),其它的(人或事物)” some... others... “一些..., 另一些..."
the others 代词 “别的(人或事物),其它的(人或事物)”,指一定范围内其它所有的
another 代词和形容词 “另一个”后面可以+ 单数名词 或先+数量词,再+复数名词
比如: another friend another two friends
each other 词组“彼此,互相”
比如:We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。
