when l knew that china had got her first aircraft carrier(航空母舰) l felt excited and ---a\ proudb\ terriblec\ nervousd\ strange说理由!

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/05 21:21:16

when l knew that china had got her first aircraft carrier(航空母舰) l felt excited and ---
a\ proud
b\ terrible
c\ nervous
d\ strange

这道题目可以用排除法的方法.首先,excited是激动,高兴,所以后面的"and"表示“和”.也就是说答案必须是“激动,高兴”的近义词.好了,b.terrible 是很糟糕的,c.nervous 是很紧张的(航空母舰都已经有了,你还紧张啥...) d.strange 是奇怪的,显然不对.所以正确答案为a.proud 骄傲的,自豪的.