spend money是spend money on doing sth 还是spend money in doing sth?我们老师讲的on doing sth 我的意思是in/on 能不能互换?

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 11:50:44

spend money
是spend money on doing sth 还是spend money in doing sth?
我们老师讲的on doing sth
我的意思是in/on 能不能互换?

sb spend time/mone on sth
[in]doing sth
with sb

是 in doing sth
on sth

spend money on sth
spend money (in)doing sth

spend ...(money) in doing sth.(buying CDs)
spend ...(moeny)on sth.(CDs)
* in 可以省略
spend 可加动词ing形式也可直接加名词。

spend money on sth:花费金钱购买某物
spend money in doing sth:花费金钱做某事

I spent ten yuan on the book.
I spent ten yuan in buying the book.(in可省略)

in doing sth
on sth