e,or else,we also missed each other的意思

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/03 04:31:53

e,or else,we also missed each other的意思


other、another、the other , others和the others
在一般情况下,other常常修饰复数可数名词,如果修饰单数名词,就要用another或the other .只有在其他词辅助下,other才能修饰单数可数名词,如:
(1)I don’t know if othe...


other、another、the other , others和the others
在一般情况下,other常常修饰复数可数名词,如果修饰单数名词,就要用another或the other .只有在其他词辅助下,other才能修饰单数可数名词,如:
(1)I don’t know if other students will be interested in this story .
(2)I’ll come some other day . (我改日来)
Herry is taller than any other member in his family .
(1)The boy has finished his apple . Please give him another(one)。
(2)I can see another ship in the picture .
the other意思是“另一个”。常与one搭配构成“one…the other…”句型。
(1)I have two sisters . One is a doctor . the other is college student .
(2)He had a book in one hand , and a ball in the other .
(1)Some students like painting , other like music .
(2)This is too large . Show me some others , please .
(3)Don’t lend it to others .
the others意思是表示特指某范围内的“其他的人或物”。如:
(1)A few of those in white are doctors , the others are nurses .
(2)We got home by 5 o’clock , but the others didn’t get back until 7 o’clock .
在用这些不定代词时,another和the other , others和the others之间的关系不能混淆。
another一般是指余下的人或物中的任何一个。而the other是指两个人或物中余下的那个。others指除去某些人或物后余下的另外 一些人或物,而the others指除去某些人或物后余下的所有其他一些人或物。另外,这些不定代词还与其他一些词有搭配关系,如any other(任何其他的),every other(每隔),the other day(几天前),the other night(不久前的某晚),some…others(一些……另一些),some…the others(一些……其余的),each other(one another互相)one or other(或者这个,或者那个),some or other(某一)等。



e,or else,we also missed each other的意思 I need a pen pal to practice English with...If U R from USA or somewhere else that people speak in English.And U also want to practice your Chinese.Please e-mail me.634619198.THX. we can also send an e-mail or make a phone call to close friends.这句英语对吗,错了应该怎么改. bad we missed each other..or else we could have gone for a we also or else否则,不然 We worked all day,_______ we didn't finish it.A or B also C but everyone's else or everyone else's? or else 与 else 有什么区别 what can we do in the country park?such as some activities,something we can learn or anything else. 女的分手信英文翻中,手工翻的分手用的,不知道她写错了没I think you also simultaneity and else girl in myspace and we alike write or chat,but before you say you in myspace waited only for my message,so I just to you write more so if someone is outgoing ,we can also say he or she is also和else有何区别 also 和 else 有什么不同 we also can还是we can also 帮忙翻译1,riding someone else’s cocktail 2,What is said about someone else can also be said about you 3,I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth We can also send our friends message by e-mails.=We can also send __ __our friends by e-mails. What is creativity?Creativity can help make something that didn’t exist before come into being.We can show our creativity in many w___ .We can invent something or c___ the way in which someone else looks at something.In fact,all of us can be c___ e