
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 23:13:48


As Western magic alchemy, many young friends will be very exciting, and many of Buddhism, the people will Chizhiyibi that it is fiction comic to see more.
In fact, if not, you admit that their belief in the existence of the sacred religion, but also a learning should explore the attitude towards another on the existence of hundreds or even thousands of sects. In their own lack of understanding of the circumstances, not to jump to comment. When their real understanding of the truth of the matter after, you will feel very ashamed of.
As Western magic can not help but said the magic square, Needless to say, I believe we have seen a lot of animation in many magic array bar. Prior to this the first
Magic of the four elements of doctrine
In finishing with the transcription of the information chain in the process of discovery to the western chain of the theory, there are a large extent by the philosophy of Greek civilization during the impact. The mystery of the basis of four elements, but also from many in the Greek philosopher's view.
Since about the sixth century BC from the Greek, things began to appear to constitute a source of discussion and argument. First of all, the first Greek philosopher Thales Thales by inference and observation, made the water is the original composition of the universe. He believes that water can be turned into hard as a rock solid, can also become do not see, feel less than, the gas is ubiquitous, it contains all the changes in the state of substances (solid, liquid, gas three-state) ; Biological and many live in the water, and all of the water can not live, so that all the material is perhaps the water. But Thales to the conclusion that he is not the truth, and told the students: "This is my point of view, I think, you have to work hard to improve my teaching."
Miletus send philosopher Anaximander Anaxiruander think things are out of a simple raw material, but that is not made by Thales of water, or we know of any other substance. It is infinite, eternal and endless, and it surrounded by all the world - because he thinks our world is only one of many in the world. Can be converted into yuan of us are familiar with a wide variety of real, they also can be transformed into each other. On this point, he has made an important, the attention of the exposition is to: Health and everything所由of things, the eradication of all things in it after the reversion, it is the fate of provisions, because all things in accordance with the time the order for them Not just between each other and complement each other compensation. This argument, that is derived from the Wu Mangxing top of the soul element in the chain of gold also pointed out that all living things from the original prime matter (World Heart).
The original material, he inherited the Babylonians and Egyptians to water, air and soil as the world's major component elements of the argument, coupled with the fourth element of fire, the four elements that form the predecessor. Four elements from the original material form, on the soil, water, gas, fire is divided into four levels in the order. Fire so that water evaporation, a land, water and gas increased by fire around the pipe in the clouds. People like to see the eyes of celestial things, is that these tubes in the Dongyan, so that we can hole the fire inside the eyes of Wang Jian.
Later, another Miletus were philosophers, Thales is also an education to the students the courage to criticize -阿纳西米尼Anaximenes that the air is a universe of the original. He's demonstration, called by air from the mouth is hot, and under pressure when it is emitted to the cold. Similarly, the rally through the process, the first gas into the water, and then turned into soil. The difference between these elements is the result of quantitative change, the only element of cohesion or to a different degree of thin air.
Poet and philosopher Heraclitus Heraclitus on Anaximander and Anaximenes the tendency of materialism that stigma. In his view, Ethernet is the basic elements of fire, or indeed, it is a soul of materials, use it to cause all, it must return to where to. In this world, the antithesis - such as sleep and wake up, death and health, continue to constitute the turn of this never extinguished the fire will never stop the rhythm. All things in an orderly campaign, all in the flow - xavTaoEi in the state.
It was also proposed for the soil of the original composition of the universe, but the source of information seems to have an examination.
The famous Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras Pythagoras, and his school to give up a single element of the concept, proposed the initial elements of the four said. They think that the material is from soil, water, gas, fire four components, which are also four from cold, heat, wet, dry four basic properties of a combination of February 2, for example, water is cold and wet mix, fire Is the combination of heat and dryness. Pythagoras and that all things in the universe have a respect follow the rules, the number of law is central to this rule. This argument was a figure of deformation.
Enbei Maddox Empedocles will be before the people that after finishing, put a more clear view of the four elements. He continues the four elements that Pythagoras, and that these four elements in the universe, by two antagonistic to the impact of Brief introduction to a variety of proportion with so-called two opposing Brief introduction, Of gravity is, first, Xiangchi, namely "love" and "hate" element makes the role of mixing and mutual separation.
The four elements that, after the enhancement of Aristotle, only to have the system established. He was opposed to the Demo Ke Litvin Atomism (that is, material is an inseparable from the smallest particles formed), and strongly advocated that the four elements. That all material by soil, water, air and fire and composition. They are considered to be dry, wet, cold warm combination of characteristics. Have a cold and dry soil, and the element of water is wet and cold. Aristotle's view, just warm a mixture of wet and the dry form warm fire! According to the four elements of the theory of view, a Potuerchu plants, is a stone (LDC) and water with sunlight in a combination of the fire. Trees were felled and dried, they lose their water element, so can the burning. In combustion into a stone (that is, ash) and fire. This explanation than De Moke Gbadolite that is not visible atomic scenario more easily understood. So the next few centuries, the four elements that several entities to the original findings.
In contrast to the east of the Five Elements theory, the four elements that the West is the basis of the theories of mystery. Therefore, the sources said the four elements of proof and argument, but also by the mystery of the knowledge necessary to understand one.
Surely, the four elements of the Western mystery of the fundamental
Theory of which are yin and yang
To the west-Yam and split
Such thinking is Ali Shi Dodd of the world
Where the world is characterized by four elements are bound to get
Fire for life
Water for the gods
Soil for the ground
For the wisdom of the wind
Until the Middle Ages after the German philosopher, alchemy Shia Geli Ba (1486-1535), put forward by the fifth element is the human emotions, spiritual force. The circle in the painting Wu Jiaoxing such magic in this array is only after the Middle Ages before…… So no five-star magic RUF, as there are six of these stars of 1.80 is also the author of modern animation compiled by its own sake.
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