后天是星期几英语怎么说 what day.

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/06 21:47:08

后天是星期几英语怎么说 what day.

What day will it be the day after tomorrow?
What day is it the day after tomorrow?
(the day after tomorrow 是“时间状语”,it 是主语.)

the day after tomorrow is Sunday.

what day is the day after tomorrow?

What is the day after tomorrow?

what is the day after tomorrow

What day is the day after tomorrow?

The day after tomorrow is 星期几。
如果是问法,就为What day is the day after tomorrow?

What day is the day after tomorrow

what day is today

what day is the day after tomorrow?

what day is the day after tomorrow

what day is the day after tomorrow

后天是星期几英语怎么说 what day. 今天星期几用英语怎么说?是What day is today?还是What day is it today? “今天是星期几”的英语怎么说?1、what day is it today还是what day is it today(有没有“it”的?2、what date is it today是问日期的,正确的问法有it的吗? 英语日期、星期几怎么问啊what day is it today问的是日期还是星期几?问星期几还能怎么问? what day was it yesterday是什么意思昨天是星期几 What's the day 是问星期几吗? 英语表达问今天是星期几?表达问今天是星期几?除了可以说What day is it today?还可以用 What day is today?或者What is the day today? 今天是星期几英语怎么说 今天是星期几用英语怎么说 “今天是星期几”用英语怎么说 今天是星期几 到底是What day is today?还是What day is it today? 后天是什么节日 英语怎么说1 后天是什么节日 ( 注意,是想问 别人 节日,不要翻译成 星期几,或是 问几号)2 后天是圣诞节3 你知道后天是什么日子吗?4 后天是 你们的结婚纪念日5 你打算如何 询问星期用英语怎么说今天是星期几用英语怎么说今天是几号 怎么说啊 关于英语日期提问的一个问题?1.今天是星期几?What day is it today?或者What day is it?今天是周日 Today is Sunday.2.昨天是星期几?What day was it yesterday?昨天是周六 It was Saturday (yesterday).3.明天是星期几?Wha 星期几用英语怎么说 星期几用英语怎么说 今天星期几?英语怎么说? 英语翻译明天是星期几怎么翻译?今天是星期几翻译为What day is it today?