帮忙翻译和分析一个长句,高手进All this would appear to be another success story for the American dream, an example of the continuing immigrant urge to succeed and of the nation's ability to thrive on the dynamism of its new citizens.

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/08 19:12:41

All this would appear to be another success story for the American dream, an example of the continuing immigrant urge to succeed and of the nation's ability to thrive on the dynamism of its new citizens.

All this would appear to be another success story for the American dream,an example of the continuing immigrant urge to succeed and of the nation's ability to thrive on the dynamism of its new citizens.
全句是简单句,主语是 this ,all 作为形容词修饰主语 this ;后面的 an example ...是主语 this 的同位语,对主语做进一步说明,其后有两个 of ...介词短语做 an example 的后置定语,另外动词不定式 to succeed 与 to thrive on the dynamism of its new citizens 分别做 continuing immigrant urge 与 nation's ability 的后置定语.

an example 这一部分应该是作补语 对this的补充说明


这个看起是另一个美国梦的成功故事, 一个体现出不间断的移民强烈想要成功的欲望和这个国家以它新的市民的活力来繁荣的能力的例子

句子分析:主句是all this would appear to be another success story for the American dream.需要注意的是后面的an example是story的同位语,类似的用法有he is a plic...


句子分析:主句是all this would appear to be another success story for the American dream.需要注意的是后面的an example是story的同位语,类似的用法有he is a pliceman,one can help you.他是一个警察,一个能帮助你的人。one 充当的就是 pliceman的同位语。and 后面的of前面省略了an example。


主语:All this
谓语:would appear to be
宾语:another success story 。。。。。。和an example 。。。。。
and 后省略了an example 两个并列的短语修饰an example...


主语:All this
谓语:would appear to be
宾语:another success story 。。。。。。和an example 。。。。。
and 后省略了an example 两个并列的短语修饰an example


长句的分析要十分注意的就是其中各个短语间的从属关系;另外也要注意介词for, to的对象。
appear to be 好像是,仿佛是
immigrant 移民
urge to 鼓励
thrive on 以...成长
another success story for the america...


长句的分析要十分注意的就是其中各个短语间的从属关系;另外也要注意介词for, to的对象。
appear to be 好像是,仿佛是
immigrant 移民
urge to 鼓励
thrive on 以...成长
another success story for the american dream, 美国梦另外一个成功故事。
an example of ...的一个例子
dynamism of its new citizens 新市民的活力



All this would appear to be:
(1) [another success story for the American dream, ]
(2) [an example of the continuing immigrant urge to succeed ]
and (3) [ (an example) of the nation's abil...


All this would appear to be:
(1) [another success story for the American dream, ]
(2) [an example of the continuing immigrant urge to succeed ]
and (3) [ (an example) of the nation's ability to thrive on the dynamism of its new citizens.]
【All this】(主) +【would appear to be】(系)+【(1)(2)and(3)】(表)
其中:【美国梦】[the American Dream]这是一个专用名词,其内涵为这样一种“观念”: [the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual]. 即:[在美国的社会、经济、政治体系下,任何人都有希望成功和发达。]
(2) 【外境移居者对成功的源源不绝的渴望】
这里continuing表达一种不间断不停歇的;urge强烈愿望;urge to succeed 成功欲。
(3) 这里的of与(2)中example后面的of构成一个平行结构,共同与(1)并列,是would appear to be的内容。
thrive on... 以……成长繁荣,靠……蓬勃发展; thrive on the dynamism (of its new citizens) 依靠新公民的动力繁荣


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