英语好的近来,最近的BBC新闻里面有几个词想问问:tunnel civilianAn influential think tank,the International Crisis Group says tens of thousands of tunnel civilians were killed in the final stages of Sri Lankan Civil War which ended ex

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/27 18:51:52

英语好的近来,最近的BBC新闻里面有几个词想问问:tunnel civilian
An influential think tank,the International Crisis Group says tens of thousands of tunnel civilians were killed in the final stages of Sri Lankan Civil War which ended exactly a year ago.From Colombo,here is Charles Haviland
tunnel civilian

so,"tunnel civilians"应该是(藏于)地道中的平民的意思.

藏在隧道里的平民? 也可能是指这些平民生活很艰苦,危险,就像生活在地道中一样腹背受敌。。。