
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 03:27:17


1. 我们许多人都梦想成为2010世博会的志愿者dream
Most of us dream of becoming a volunteer at the 2010 World Exposition.
2. 老教师在许多方面要优于新教师superior
Senior teachers are superior to new teachers in many aspects.
3. 经过许多年之后,这位科学家才回到自己的祖国it….before
It has been many years before this scientist eventually went back to his home country.
4. 毫无疑问,许多年轻人都已深深地爱上了电脑doubt
Many young people have fallen deeply in love with computer without a doubt.
5. 他下决心忘掉过去的事,重新开始他的人生lead
He made up his mind to forget about the past and lead a new life.
6. 那个学校因为英语教学水平高而闻名known
That school is well known for its high level of English instruction.
7. 大伙不仅毁了那栋大楼,而且毁了附近的小屋子as well as
The big fire destroyed that building as well as some small houses nearby.
8. 你叔叔居住的那个城市有多少人口?population
What is the population of the city your uncle live in?
9. 她说她会不断的把学校生活告诉我们inform
She said she would continuously inform us with her campus life.
10. 他们将只通过电视收看奥运会have no choice but
They will have no choice but to watch the Olympic Games through television.
11. 我碰巧遇见了你上次提到的那位著名科学家happen
I happen to run into that famous scientist you mentioned last time.
12. 我是否与他们一起去开会没有关系make no difference
It makes no difference whether I go to the meeting with them or not.
13. 不久我们将收到他从澳大利亚发来得第一封信before
It won't be long before we receive his first letter from Australia.
14. 警察将会发现谁应为事故负责reponsible
The police will find out who was responsible for the accident.
15. 他们看到了自己的价值时,感到有信心了when
Whent hey saw their own values, they felt confident.
16. 无论什么时候你有困难,都可以找我帮忙turn to
Whenever you have trouble, you can turn to me for help.
17. 很多父母以为他们做的每一件事都是完美无缺的perfect
Many parents think they are perfect with everything they do.
18. 通常青年被看作是祖国的未来regard
Usually youth are regarded as the future of motherland.
19. 艺术展览会能否准时开放还是个问题remain
It remains a problem whether the art exhibition could open on time.
20. 依我看,你自己可以独立做这个实验manage
In my opinion, you can manage this experiment independently.
21. 脑子越用越灵活active
The more the brain is used, the more active it gets.
22. 除非邀请他,他才会来unless
He won't come unless you invite him.
23. 除非有紧急情况,否则我不会求你的unless
I won't ask for your help unless there is an emergency,
24. 请把书放回原处where
Please put the book back to where it originally was.
25. 阅读丰富了我的知识,我从中获益非浅benefit, enrich
Reading had enriched my knowledge; I have benefited a lot from it.
26. 教育和科技在市场竞争中起着重要的作用play a part in
Education and technology have played an important part in market competition.
27. 人们发现把这种想法变为现实是非常重要的turn….into reality
People found out that it's very important to turn this idea into reality.
28. 他服药十分钟后感觉好多了after
He felt much better after taking the medicine.
29. 谁也不知道美国人能否真正使他们屈服force
Nobody knows if Americans could force them to cave.
30. 英语在国际事务中被广泛使用widely
English is widely used within international affairs.
31. 他主动提出要当我们的向导offer
He offered to be our guaid.
32. 任何16岁以下的人都不准驾车allow
No one below the age of 16 is allowed to drive.
33. 保持传统对于一个民族来说是非常重要的preserve
It is very important for a nation to preserve its traditions.
34. 上海有很多的重要的景点,吸引了众多的中外游客attract
Shanghai has many imporant tourism sites that attract many tourists from within and without the country.
35. 北京的很多奥运场馆正在建设之中construction
Many of the Olympic buildings in beijing are currently under construction.
36. 他在计划的五天前完成了所有的任务ahead of
He finished all the tasks five days ahead of his plan.
37. 那些电视选秀节目终于结束了come to an end
Finally those TV shows are coming to an end.
38. 你同意他这个实验结果吗?agree
Do you agree with his experiment result?
39. 听说在一些发达国家有许多穷人饿死我都感到很吃惊starve
I was really surprised after hearing that many poor people starve to death in some developed countries.
40. 在学期结束的时候我们大部分同学取得了进步make progress
Most of our students made progress by the end of the term.
41. 一部分同学喜欢打篮球,而另外有些同学喜欢踢足球while
Some of the students enjoy playing basketball, while some other students enjoy playing football.
42. 他期盼到一些国家去旅游,比如;日本和美国look forward to
He is looking forward to travelling to some countries, such as Japan and America.
43. 今天下午我要去车站送我哥哥see off
I will see my brother off at the station this afternoon.
44. 不要熬夜太晚了stay up
Don't stay up too late.
45. 你最好戴太阳镜以防强光伤眼 protect sb from
You better wear a pair of sun glasses to protect your eyes from strong light.
46. 你的作文很好,只有几处拼音写错excpet for
Your composite is very good except a few spelling mistakes.
47. 你知道英国英语和美国英语的差异是怎么样产生的吗?come about
Do you know how the differences in British and American English came about?
48. 那位电影明星答应立即接受采访interview
That movie star agreed on taking the interview immediately.
49. 这位害羞的男孩和别人交流有困难difficulty
This shy boy has difficulty communicating with others.
50. 炎热的夏天,我愿意在家休养而不愿意出去旅游relax
On a hot summer day, I would rather stay home and relax than travelling outdoors.
51. 他决定马上改进他的体态语言delay
He decided to improve his body language with not further delay.
52. 他的评论说他的学生作了一个明智的决定remark (动词)
A remark of his says that his student has made a wise decision.
53. 人类的历史就是人与自然斗争的历史fight
The history of mankind is a history of fights between men and nature.
54. 尽管他俩在不同的地方工作,他们仍然保持着友谊
They have kept their friendship even though they are working in separate places.
55. 在中国文化中,对长辈显示尊敬是很重要的maintain
In Chinese culture, maintaining repect to elders in the family is very important.
56. 他没有权利放弃抚养自己的孩子respect
He cannot drop his right in respect to the custody of his own children.
57. 在生活中我们要尽量避免犯错误avoid
I should try to avoid making mistakes in our lives.
58. 他提醒我明天应当去看望母亲call on
He called me on visiting my mom tomorrow.
59. 我永远忘不了我第一次面试的日子when
I could never forget the day when I had my first interview.
60. 我的前夫有权在周末同孩子们在一起access
My ex-husband has rights to access his children during weekends.
61. 这个产品是否会受到市场的欢迎还不知道remain
Whether this product would be welcomed to the market or not remains unknown.

找世博会文明英语(30句)只要英文答得好的,另加5—15财富! 世博会的诗歌 英语的千年文明一统,万众一心迎世博.东方明珠,魅力城市,和谐古都.翻译成英文 关于世博会英语英语小报要英文 找一篇以世博会为中心的作文.提倡文明素质,倡导公共礼仪,提升文明公德,800字左右 详细讲解英语中的简单句(答得好的加分)急用! 找人帮忙写一篇关于世博会的英语作文(适合于初中生的) 我们只要不断提高文明意识,从小事做起,才能真正养成文明的好习惯(改病句) 找1篇5句英语作文,My English teacher.只要5句, 文明的反义词不好意思,我没说清楚,应该是英语文明(famous)的英文反义词。 用英语说中国节日,外加一句英文解说(只要一句)跪求〜 英文分组,好看 意思好理解的英文,只要四句 家庭规则(英语)只要四句 世博会简介(用英语)先写中文 再用英文 短一些 急!急 如何自学英语?我只要看得懂英文,会不会说无所谓.怎么样能快速学会(一年内)! 书虫《牙齿与爪子》中“讲故事的人”的英文读后感 80词就只要80词啊 全英文 【答得好的加悬赏】~ 谁帮帮我起个英文名(终身)得.我叫“孙志豪”谁帮我起个英文名儿啊?要求不高,只要英文的含义好、 中国2010年上海世博会 翻译成英文是什么?只要英文 麻烦帮我找3部英文电影并用英语写出每部电影的简介和简评(不少于100字),同时将每部电影中的经典台词摘抄10句(中英文).弄的好的再追加分!