A:1._____2._____,do you know this girl?B:Yes.

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 02:05:26

A:1._____2._____,do you know this girl?B:Yes.

Excuse me 打扰了

A:1._____2._____,do you know this girl?B:Yes. 散步用英语怎么说1._____ _____2.____ _____ a _____3._____ _____ _____ a _____ 快速吃早饭用英语怎么说俩个 1._____ a ____ _____2.______ _____ _____ 直线平行的条件1._____2._____3._____直线平行的性质1._____2._____3.______ 1.翻译我不擅长唱歌I do ____ _____ _____2.我推荐他获7年级最乐于助人奖I _____him____the_____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____1.it is hard for Daniel and _____to work without a carA.I to go B.me to go C.I going D.me going 1. My city is a great place to live because _____2.The funniest thing this week was when _____ 同类词查找1.country _____ _____ _____2.insect _____ _____ _____3.animal _____ _____ _____4.ball _____ _____ _____5.language _____ _____ _____ 句型转换,使得改后的句子与原句子意思相符1.Do you find she is very clever?Do you_______ _______very _____2.Hou long will you be away ,Tom?JACK askedjim asked Tom ______ _____ ______ ______be away3.If you use your head ,you'll find a 1.I suppose he can pass the examSo do I (改为同义句)I suppose he can pass the exam_____ _____ _____2.用适当形式填空He is _____ to walk and he is_____ in his legs.(able) 1.It is a good habit for children to s____ the floor every day.2.There are many l___ in Tai`an city.3.Sometimes I h____ to do the dishes.下列单词的比较级和最高级:1.good ___ ____ 6.friendly ______ _____2.bad ___ ____ 7.comfortable _____ 1.The animal world is interesting There is so much _____ _____ _____ _____ _____2.The baby panda drinks milk. The baby panda _____ _____ milk 用城市名组成语1.洛阳_____2.大同_____3.长治_____4.四平_____5.邯郸_____ 1.What _____ your mother _____?——She's a reporter. does;do are;do do;do are;does 根据下图(图中阴影部分表示夜晚)1.如果A点的区时是某日12时,B点的区时是_____2.如果A点的区时是某日12时,北京时间是_____ 按例子写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式、现在分词和过去式:列:do does doing did1.write___ ____ _____2.eat____ _____ ______3.read____ _____ ______4.swim____ _____ ______5.go_____ _____ ______ 给的答案最好是正确的! 填空:1.比x少25的数是_____2.n的5倍与m的差是____3.一衬衫a元一件毛衣比他的2倍还多6元,毛衣的价格_____ 以成语为谜语猜汉字1.表里如一 谜底:_____2.顶天立地 谜底:_____3.以身作则 谜底:_____4.巧夺天工 谜底:_____ 1.用成语来表示这些快看书快_____ 时间快_____吃饭快_____ 水流快_____走路快_____ 车速快_____回答快_____ 变化快_____2.接龙敛声屏气→气象万千→_________________________________________________________________