数学建模试题:请你建立合理的数学模型,设计一个全面而有效的评价生物多样性 的指标.2010 年是联合国大会确定的国际生物多样性年.保护地球上的生物多样性已经越来越被人类社会所关注,

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数学建模试题:请你建立合理的数学模型,设计一个全面而有效的评价生物多样性 的指标.
2010 年是联合国大会确定的国际生物多样性年.保护地球上的生物多

Application of ROC curve analysis in evaluating the performance of alien
species’ potential distribution models
Yunsheng Wang1,2, Bingyan Xie1*, Fanghao Wan3, Qiming Xiao2, Liangying Dai2
1 Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
2 College of Bio-safety Science and Technology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128
3 Institute of Plant Protection (South Section), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
Abstract: Ecological niche models (ENMs), which are widely employed to predict the potential geographic
distribution of species, provide an important tool to quantify the risks imposed by invasive alien species. The
problem of how to evaluate the performance of different models has attracted more and more attention. In the
present paper, we introduced the principle of the method of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve
analysis in assessing the accuracy of different ENMs. We predicted the suitable distribution area of Radopholus
similis, an important banana toppling disease nematode, with five widely used ENMs and evaluated
the performance of different models by ROC curve analysis. The area under ROC curve (AUC) for BIOCLIM,
CLIMEX, DOMAIN, GARP, and MAXENT models was 0.810, 0.758, 0.921, 0.903, and 0.950, respectively.
Among these, the biggest value of AUC was assigned to MAXENT, indicating that the result
gained by MAXENT should be better than the other four models. According to the results of analysis of
variance (ANOVA), there was a remarkable difference in AUC between each model except for DOMAIN and
Key words: ROC curve, alien species, model evaluation, suitable distribution area, Radopholus similis
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数学建模试题:请你建立合理的数学模型,设计一个全面而有效的评价生物多样性 的指标.2010 年是联合国大会确定的国际生物多样性年.保护地球上的生物多样性已经越来越被人类社会所关注, 数学模型与数学建模的区别 数学建模怎么建立合适的数学模型比如说生猪价格和饲料商、养猪户、消费者之间的关系 数学建模与数学模型关系 数学模型数学建模函数关系之间的联系? 数学建模和数学模型是一样的吗? 重金属污染数学模型怎么建立偏微分方程?以2011数学建模a题为准 数学建模为什么有时候对某一问题要建立多个数学模型? 数学建模(枢纽机场的选址问题)枢纽机场的选址问题要求:(1) 建立数学模型选择建立三个枢纽机场的地点并设计合理的航线网络;(2) 根据目前我国的西部大开发战略思想,若在西部 数学建模定量还是定性分析?数学建模是要求定量分析还是定性分析?“试根据你们收集的资料,建立描述饲料商、养猪户和消费者之间的生猪价格定价策略的数学模型”那这个题目是定性还是 matlab建模两个圆弧优化成相切的情况,如何建立数学模型 最近几年的数学建模优秀论文和试题 数学建模和数学模型有什么区别? 试述什么是数学建模和数学模型 数学建模的模型建立过程 数学建模的模型如何建立 一个数学建模问题,希望给点思路在我们的生活中总存在着不同包装大小的商品,例如牙膏、卫生纸、洗衣粉等.请你建立数学模型分析包装大小和商品价格之间的关系,给出最佳的购物策略.最 数学建模论文建立数学模型给出十个城市空气污染严重程度的科学排名.2、 建立模型对成都市11月的空气质量我表示毫无压力,哥已经成功做完了.