than 比较的用法Venezucla devotes a higher percentage of its bueget to deucation than do other large Latin American countries such as Mexico and Brazil.这里为什么than 后面可以倒装do写错了,education。写成deucation了= =

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/08 00:48:24

than 比较的用法
Venezucla devotes a higher percentage of its bueget to deucation than do other large Latin American countries such as Mexico and Brazil.
这里为什么than 后面可以倒装do
写错了,education。写成deucation了= =

不是倒装,do与前面的 devotes a higher percentage of its bueget to deucation 对应.

do 不是倒装。而是有这样一个规则,than 前面有to 用do,无to 不用。

因为用do代替了前面的谓语动词(英语忌讳重复),但是do太短,后面动作发出者other large Latin American countries such as Mexico and Brazil 太长,所以倒装,否则显得头重脚轻。