proforma invoice 形式发票,proforma怎么在词典里查不出来呢,

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proforma invoice 形式发票,proforma怎么在词典里查不出来呢,

proforma invoice 形式发票 估价发票 试算发票 备考货单 Dict.CN 在线词典 120天 阴茎增长4-8厘米 3秒,全面检测系统漏洞 句酷双语例句 proforma invoice 形式发票 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 商务 Enclosed please find our Proforma Invoice No...for...附上我方形式发票第...号,请查收.-- 英汉 - 短句参考 Five (5) copies of proforma invoice covering the total contract price 金额为合同总价的形式发票一式五份 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 商务 We are pleased to send you our Proforma Invoice triplicate as requested."按要求,兹寄上我方形式发票第...号,一式三份." -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 商务 We have been informed by ...that you are thinking of purchasing...and have pleasure in enclosing our Proforma Invoice in duplicate."我方从...获悉你方正在考虑购买...,现附上我方形式发票,一式两份" 用其他的去查一下吧

proforma-invoice 形式发票(proforma invoice)跟正式发票有甚麼区别 proforma invoice 形式发票,proforma怎么在词典里查不出来呢, proforma invoice是什么意思 Discounted Proforma Invoice是什么意思 PROFORMA INVOICE & INVOICE有什么区别吗? performa invoice与Proforma Invoice 的区别 proforma invoice翻译什么意思 in advance against ProForma invoice proforma invoice 有什么用? “confirmed Proforma invoice” 如何翻译? 贸易当中proforma invoice是什么意思?我知道这是proforma invoice形式发票, 估价发票, 试算发票, 备考货单.具体的举例子怎么讲?谢谢各位~ sample invoice和proforma invoice 有什么区别 Proforma Invoice和 Tax Invoice有何不同? Normal Tax Invoice TOP URGENT!如题:Normal Tax Invoice to be made out to:***bank*** Tax invoice 是不是就是commercial invoice,=PI 这个并不是国内的客人,当时我是把proforma invoice改成Tax invoice再加上抬头发客户了,杯具 英语翻译other details are as per proforma invoice no.JH201011-alda D.D 10.11.2010 这里说的形式发票号是JH201011 FULL SET 3/3 OF CLEAN ON BOARD MARINE BILLS OF LADING IN LONG FORMA PLUS ONE NON NEGOTIABLE COPY ISSUED TO THE ORDER OF +银 把proforma invoice 以附件的形式弄到email里,那封email要怎么写啊,内容是要告诉客户发给他PI了 英语翻译This below proforma invoice is about shipping number a0024742.下面的形式发票附件是关于运单号码A0024742的主要是英文部分语法有无错误?