剑桥雅思9里面的test4大作文,就是说现在很多语言在消失,有些人认为消失以后更少语言就更方便,然后题目问what extent do you agree or disagree.这个题目的写题思路是怎么样的,需要论述更少语言更

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/29 03:07:24

然后题目问what extent do you agree or disagree.这个题目的写题思路是怎么样的,需要论述更少语言更方便这点吗,还是说就专门写语言对我们的重要性

先说many people think this tendency will undermine the diversity of language seriously,yet I would state my objection to this issue after analyzing the following reasons.
第一段写the preservation of these rare language will waste plenty of funds which should be used in many other fields contributing to society.
然后写the disappearance of these language will remarkably benifit our daily communication.
第三段我喜欢先列反方观点然后反驳,some people may say the diversity of language is a sigificant part of our culture,however,the importance of it is especially exaggerated.