高手帮忙改改英语essay吧The wings of the invisibleThe wings of the invisible is appeared as the Chinese writing topic of this year’s College entrance examination in Beijing.There is also a popular song called The wings of the invisible whic

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 12:31:57

The wings of the invisible
The wings of the invisible is appeared as the Chinese writing topic of this year’s College entrance examination in Beijing.There is also a popular song called The wings of the invisible which is liked by teenagers.I know I have a pair of wings of the invisible,it can bring me fly,fly to the distance.As the lyric said,I think each one has his own wing,my wings of the invisible is independent; the spirit to face challenges,and the Innovation ability.
In each person’s grow path,there are always several of difficulties and challenges waiting for us.My junior high school was far from home.So I had to leave home and live in school at that time,I was twelve years old.After I graduated from primary school,my parents no longer transport me.Although I was a little bit afraid,I still challenge myself.As my father told me “The more you do,the better you are.” I learn to deal problems by myself.To be independent is the first step to develop.I can fly because I am independent.
When I was in primary school,I joined a club about Chinese tea culture in order to know more about China’s traditional culture treasure.At the every beginning,I just learn it with curiosity.But after my teacher gave me loads of text papers to finish,I find I was bored with learning it.I realized that I only interested in making tea but not in learning the basic knowledge.When my teacher knew about this,she said to me “you can only make the most excellent tea when you know well about the knowledge behind the cup of tea.” Her words made me think for a long time.Later,I made a decision to keep learning Chinese tea culture,no matter how hard it will be.Now,I am able to make delicious tea and introduce the tea culture to people confidently.From then on,I know that I couldn’t success without the spirit to face difficulties,which can bring me fly higher.
Also,I am interesting in poster making.To make the study life more colorful,I have created some beautiful and inspiring wallpaper with some other students,which are appreciatted and highly thought of by all the students in our grade.In this year’s art festival,I designed a T-shirt for our class.I am a member of our biology club study Tissue culture,we are looking forward to take part in the technology innovation contest.All those activities a joined was great opportunities to improve my creativity,so I cherish them and attempt to do well in every event.Creativity can let me fly farther.
“Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” Einstein‘s word impressed me deeply.Western Christian High School pays attention to every student's quality education; I like the commitment to educational excellence and the highest ideals of Christian values of the school.My wings of the invisible will take me fly to Western Christian High School,I‘ll try my best to become a man of value.
please write an essay that will answer the question"why you want to attend western christian high school"
把词汇升级一下 看看语法错误什么的

首先.标题不能这样写 invisible 不是名词 标题应该为 the invisible wings
which is liked by teenagers.这句话应该改为 which is popular among the teenagers


高手帮忙改改英语essay吧The wings of the invisibleThe wings of the invisible is appeared as the Chinese writing topic of this year’s College entrance examination in Beijing.There is also a popular song called The wings of the invisible whic 帮忙改改 帮忙修改一篇英语作文,希望英语高手帮忙看看,哪里有错误,具体内容Writing Directions:A.Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than200 B.Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEE 麻烦英语高手帮忙写一个英语作文.VI.Writing Directions:write an essay on the following topic in no less than 80 words.Please write your essay on the corresponding part of the Answer Sheet.1.My Family 我的家庭2.My Plan for Spring Fest 求essay:The effects of stress on college students哪位英语高手可以提供一篇essay:The effects of stress on college students.字数350~400... 一个小英语作文求高手帮忙改改错误的地方.I can't see you next week because i'm going on holiday witch my parents.we always stay near a town very small on the coast.There is lovely and sandy beach and the sea is clear and warm.The tow 求高手帮忙改改我的英语作文关于午睡调查表的作文…提醒词汇为take a nap after lunch (午睡)不考虑文采看看我有哪些错误就行…急用Based on the .We can see thatmost of students have the habit on take a nap aft 想找人写英语essay,求推荐下吧 英语高手帮忙 英语高手进,改错It's quater to eight o'clock.She often goes to the shops and her mother.麻烦改改,哪里有错 要当范文的英语文章,高手帮忙改改错误或者又什么更好的都可以说文章如下——I’m growing upI’m growing up day by day,I’m growing up into a strong-minded girl.Both my body and my mind have grown much.The wheel of lif 请英语高手帮忙现在写一篇作文Write an essay of no less than 120 words based on the questions below.1.What do you think of these Oxford traditions?2.What traditions are there in your university?3.How important are traditions to college li 球雅思高手帮忙 帮我改改作文吧,最好打个分Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extend do you agree or disagree? The iu 谁能帮忙写一篇英语作文:Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words.You are to write an essay on the topic Where to Shop.You should base your essay on the outline below:1.现代社会人们经常购物的场所;2.比较 哪位外语高手现在不忙,能帮我改改英语简历啊 高手们帮我改改文章吧英语四级作文英语写作英语写作Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Dormitory Life .You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in C 英语达人们帮忙改改这篇5句话作文吧!是有关虎妈的语法错误什么的Amy Chua,the writer of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,is the professor of Yale university.The book which came out in 2010 is a story about how Amy Chua taught h 英汉互译求英语高手帮忙.