
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 02:59:17


The European Union‘s birth not only benefits the stability of European and promoting development of the economies of its member country,but also influnced the world situation greatly.
The borderless platform,the enhancement of economy,the balanced development and the foudation of economic union of currency which aimed to use the same currency,are contributing to enhance the balanced development of the economy and society of its member country.
The European Union,along with the North America Free Trade Area and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations,palys an role in developing the multiplicity of the world economy.

The European Union set up is conducive to stability in Europe, and promoted the development of the economies, but also greatly improve the...


The European Union set up is conducive to stability in Europe, and promoted the development of the economies, but also greatly improve the international status,and had an important influence on the new changes of the world pattern.
Without internal borders through the creation of space, strengthen the coordinated development of economy, society and the establishment of theunified monetary economic and monetary union, to promote the balanced development of economic and social members.
The European Union played together form the multi polarization of world economydevelopment with the National Union and the North American Free Trade Areaand Southeast Asia's role.


英语翻译欧盟成立有利于欧洲的稳定,促进了各成员国经济的发展,还大大提高了欧洲的国际地位,并对世界格局新变化产生了重要影响.通过建立无内部边界的空间,加强经济、社会的协调发展 英语翻译欧盟成立有利于欧洲的稳定,促进了各成员国经济的发展,还大大提高了欧洲的国际地位,并对世界格局新变化产生了重要影响.通过建立无内部边界的空间,加强经济、社会的协调发展 欧盟成立对欧洲的影响? 简述欧盟成立对欧洲的影响 欧盟为了促进欧洲和世界的和平,安全及进步实行了什么政策 欧盟的成立对欧洲的经济和政治产生了什么影响 英语翻译房地产业是我国新的发展阶段的一个重要支柱产业.引导和促进房地产业持续稳定的健康发展有利于保持国民经济的平稳较快增长,有利于满足广大群众的基本住房消费需求,有利于实 欧盟成立的时间 欧盟成立的背景 促进欧洲煤钢共同体成立的是谁 欧洲现在不会发生大战.是因为欧盟的成立还是联合国的作用加强? 2007年欧洲联盟包括哪些国家?欧盟成立后这些国家人民的生活发生了哪些变化?(简洁一些,100字以内) 关于美国和欧盟之间的经济关系话说欧洲因为长期受到美国经济等方面上的压制所以共同成立了欧盟,那么在欧盟成立后他们的经济体制到底有多大改观,和美国的经济链条又有哪些变化呢?人 简述欧盟成立的历史条件 欧盟成立的目的是什么? 欧盟是怎样成立的 欧洲联盟 简称 欧盟,欧盟的英文缩写是什么? 欧洲朝着经济政治一体化迈进的标志A 欧洲煤钢共同体条约的签署 b 北大西洋公约的签署 c 欧洲共同体的成立 d欧盟成立