late later latter lately什么区别

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late later latter lately什么区别

late作形容词,可以作表语(表示迟的,晚的)或前置定语(表示晚的,最近的,新的,前任的),如I'm late for the first class.He came back in the late afternoon.The late Primer Minister is still quite active in politics.Some late news of the war has just come in.
late作副词,表示(1)迟到Tom came to school late and missed the first class.(2)晚地
He often worked late into the night.与late作表语时表意相同
later作形容词,表示…之后的,作后置定语,跟在时间段之后,如He found his first job 2 months later after his graduation.表示后来的,之后的,作前置定语,如We will discuss this in detail in a later chapter.
later作副词(1)late的比较级,较晚地,如I went to bed later than usual.(2)以后,晚些时候,如I'll tell you later.(我以后再告诉你.)(其实这也可以理解成(1)的意思,就是later than now,不过约定俗成了,就表示以后)
latter形容词,late的比较级,表示后者的,较后的.经常用在the former.the latter中表示后者.
lately副词,表示最近.I haven't had enough sleep lately.I haven't heard any news from my son lately.What have you been doing lately?(你近来做些什么?)
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