英语翻译1、文化差异的原因在中国文化中,颜色的象征是基于过去中国的封建统治、封建迷信及其原始、落后的科学、教育状况而形成的,所以颜色的象征意义有相当强烈 的政治化和神秘化倾

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 08:03:31

在中国文化中,颜色的象征是基于过去中国的封建统治、封建迷信及其原始、落后的科学、教育状况而形成的,所以颜色的象征意义有相当强烈 的政治化和神秘化倾向.而西方文化中的颜色象征则更多地得益于西方民族开放性及科学、教育的普及程度,其象征意义少了神秘,多了些理性,使其语义、词义理据更易追踪.

1.The reason of culture difference.
In Chinese culture,the sign of color is based on the ruling of feudalism,feudalistic superstition,and the backwards in science and education.As a result,the sign of color has a strong tendency to policy and religion.However,in western culture,the sign of color is less mysterious and more rational,profiting from the openness and the popularization of science and edcation of western nations,which makes it easier to find the lexical motivation.

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In Chinese culture, the symbolic meaning of colors is formed based on the feudal domination, feudal superstition, as well as the primitive and backward science and education. Therefore, the symbolic m...


In Chinese culture, the symbolic meaning of colors is formed based on the feudal domination, feudal superstition, as well as the primitive and backward science and education. Therefore, the symbolic meaning of colors is strongly connected with the politics and mystery (has a strong tendency to be political and mysterious). However, to a great degree the symbolic meaning of colors in the eastern culture benefits from its liberation and the popularization of science and education. Thus their symbolic meaning of color lacks is less mysterious but more rational, which makes the motivation of their semantic meaning and word meaning easily traced.


Reasons for cultural differences


Reasons for cultural differences
Symbol of colors is, according to Chinese culture, gradually formed based on imperial governance, feudal superstition, primitive and uncultured/unenlightened(2选1,下同) conditions of science and education in China during the past, thus its sence is implied with obvious tendency as politicization and mystification. While color symbol in Western culture relies more on benifits from openness of Western nations besides popularity of science and education, and there's more rationality and less mystery in its sense, which leaves its semanteme and lexical meaning easier to follow/trace.



英语翻译本文就文化差异的定义,结合其在商务谈判的意义,分析产生文化差异的原因,探讨应对国际商务谈判中文化差异问题的策略. 英语翻译1、文化差异的原因在中国文化中,颜色的象征是基于过去中国的封建统治、封建迷信及其原始、落后的科学、教育状况而形成的,所以颜色的象征意义有相当强烈 的政治化和神秘化倾 中韩的语言文化差异,历史文化差异和现代文化差异 中国文化的形成原因 中西方礼仪文化差异的原因 求导致中美送礼文化差异的原因中美送礼文化差异表现在:思想观念,行为方式,送礼场合等方面 造成中美政治文化差异的原因是什么 英语翻译摘 要随着市场经济的深入发展以及经济全球化速度的加快,企业的跨国经营越来越普遍.在企业的国际化经营发展战略中,文化差异因素对其营销策略有着重要的影响,如何在文化差异 英语翻译:“重视文化差异:中国对外贸易的必然要求” 英语翻译首先分析我国与美国在思维模式和价值观等方面的文化差异,如时间观、面子观、礼仪等方面的差异.分析的基础上提出解决文化冲突的一些建议:灵活运用中国文化的精华,避免繁缛 在 世界各种古老文化中,中国文化的特点是什麽 中国文化中儒释道的结合体现在哪些方面 急求一段话的英语翻译!不要用任何翻译器翻!谢谢!文化差异及其产生的原因 文化差异广泛地说,是指世界上不同地区的文化差别,即指人们在不同的环境下形成的语言、知识、人生观、价 《中国文化导论》简答题:9、简述出世哲学在东汉兴盛的原因. 中外文化差异在翻译上的表现 中美鬼神文化差异的原因英语怎么翻译啊 中国与巴西文化差异的原因主要关于宗教,礼仪,民俗和餐饮方面,.文化差异产生的原因 英语翻译北京奥运会展示了丰富多彩的中国文化