
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 08:59:41

翻译是从一种符号转换到另一种语言符号的再创造活动.翻译的实质,是双语间意义的对应转换.不可否认,当前片名在这意义转换的过程中,存在良莠不分的现象,但因各个译者自身水平、经验、审美观点不同,译名质量自有高低之分.总而言之,翻译标准不是一成不变的.随着时代和翻译内容的变化,规范、规则和适用的条件往往会改变.而电影片名的英译中正是如此.笔者认为,为充分发挥译者的创造性,可允许多种译名同时存在.第一、就翻译的共时角度而言,这种解读同样作品由不同理解产生的诠释或许都有其全理性,都有积极的一面,符合水平不同读者的需要.第二、随着历史的发展,过去和现在人们解读同一部电影时的审美标准也了生了变化.若非某片名已被广泛接受,将一些片名再译以符合当代人的审美情趣,也是可接受的.当然经典的译名已深入人心,若非确定有把握,改译、另译似已无必要.但译名多了,为避免造成混乱,应在括号内加以注明.Gone With the Wind先被译为“乱世佳人”,而后为“飘”,就是最好的例子.因此对翻译现象的研究应与现实结合起来.只要符合笔者提出的以上翻译标准,就没有必要太拘泥于所谓的翻译原则.这样,就大大拓展了片名翻译发展的空间,使之显得更加富有活力.

Translation is from one switch to another language symbols signs of re-creation activities.Translation,in essence,bilingual correspondence between the meaning of conversion.Undeniably,the current title in this sense conversion process,there is good and bad,regardless of the phenomenon,but all the translator's own level of experience,different aesthetic point of view,translation gap between the quality of its own.All in all,the standard is not static translation.With the change of times and translated content,norms,rules and applicable conditions often change.English Translation of the film title is the case.I believe that,in order to give full play to the creativity of the translator that allows multiple translations exist.
First,when total translation point of view,this interpretation also works produced by the different understanding of the interpretation may have its wholly rational,have a positive side to meet the needs of different levels of readers.Second,with the development of history,past and present with a movie people interpret the aesthetic standards of the students has changed.Without a title has been widely accepted,some of the titles and then translated to meet the aesthetic taste of contemporary people,is also acceptable.Of course,the classic translation has been firmly established,if not determine the certainty,changed translation,and the other appears to have no need for translation.But the translation of many,to avoid confusion,should be indicated in brackets.Gone With the W
ind the first to be translated as "Gone with the Wind," then as "Gone with the Wind" is the best example.Therefore,the phenomenon of translation studies should be combined with the reality.I proposed that they meet the above standard translation,there is no need to stick to the so-called translation of the principle too.This would greatly expand the title translation development to make it appear more dynamic.

Translation is a kind of symbolic into another language symbols of activity. The essence of translation, is among the bilingual. Admittedly, the title in the meaning of the conversion process, throw o...


Translation is a kind of symbolic into another language symbols of activity. The essence of translation, is among the bilingual. Admittedly, the title in the meaning of the conversion process, throw out the baby's phenomenon, but for all their level and experience, the translator is different, the translation quality of aesthetic view of its height. In short, the translation criteria is not static. Along with the time and translation content changes, norms, rules and applicable conditions often will change. While the English translation of film titles is so. According to the author, the translator's creativity into full play, can allow multiple translation. First, the translation of perspective, this interpretation by different understanding as interpretation might have produced the whole reason, have the positive side, with different levels of readers. Second, along with the development of history, the past and present people interpret the same film aesthetic standards also has changed. If a title has been widely accepted, some more titles in accordance with contemporary aesthetic temperament and interest, is acceptable. Of course the classic translation has been determined to be sure, otherwise, the likelihood has no other necessary. But, in order to avoid the translated more chaos, should be indicated in parentheses. The Wind was Gone? First translated as "Gone With the Wind", "Gone With the Wind", is one of the best examples. Therefore the research of translation phenomena should be combined with the reality. If the above accords with the translation criteria, need not too over-literal so-called translation principles. Thus greatly expand the mainline translation development space, make appear more energetic.


这种概念类的,直接去找带英语原文或国内学者的英文论文,摘用提取他们的观点,这才是正道。 这就是文献资料这一关,你还要摘书名,页码等来作为论据,放开题报告,文献摘要里的。