如何用英文表达"我将会出席"的意思?有一封来自某机构的电邮邀请我参加某活动, 在电邮中提及"Please confirm your attendance by replying this email"请问我如何得体地回答他"我能够於当天出席"?

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 23:05:16

有一封来自某机构的电邮邀请我参加某活动, 在电邮中提及"Please confirm your attendance by replying this email"

I'm pleased to confirm that I will be present at the event on that day/I will attend the event on that day.

我觉得你回答:I confirm that i will participate it.不一定特别规整,反正对方能明白就是了。

I will attend the activity that day.