
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 01:19:10


children should be allowed to have some amount of pocket money themselves.pocket money serves to teach children a lesson on financial management.children are supposed to learn to allocate their money and spend on the right occasions,such as buying books they are interested,taking a bus when raining.
as for me,my parents give me pocket money since i was young.i admit that it was exciting with the money and have no idea about how to use it at first.but it gredually makes sense to me how to spend the money.buying myself useful books and pens,buying gifts for parents on their birthdays,all these are the meaningful useage of my pocket money.

Kids should be allowed to have some pocket money. We should develo...


Kids should be allowed to have some pocket money. We should develop kids’ independence since they are young. Give kids a little pocket money and teach them that they should use the money given to buy books or take bus when it rains… and do the other deserved things. As for me, my parents began to give me pocket money when I was a child. I will reasonably make good use of this money to buy useful books and pens, or accumulate the money to buy a gift for my parents on their birthdays.


英语翻译小孩应该有零花钱,孩子应该从小培养独立给孩子少量的零用钱教育他给他钱是让他买书,或者是雨天坐车.用到有用的地方,作为我从小父母就给我零花钱,我会反父母给的有用的钱合 最近,学校要组织开展小学生该不该有零花钱的辩论会.正方辨题:小学生应该有零花钱;反方辩题:小学生不该有零花钱.你选择 方辩题,理由是 最近,班级开展“小学生该不该有零花钱”的辩论会,正方的辩题是:小学生应该有零花钱;反方的辩题是:生不应该有零花钱.你选择( )方的辩题,请陈述你的理由,说服对方.(100个字左右) 是不是应该从小就培养孩子的逻辑思维能力吗? 上一年级的小孩应该阅读一些什么样的文章给孩子听呢,都说孩子从小要讲故事阅读文章给孩子听,我现在开始阅读还有用吗? 小孩德智体美劳全面发展应该从小培养一些什么技能? 求120字的高中英语作文,谈谈你对孩子有零花钱的看法~ 末尾有零的乘法应该怎样计算? 父母应该鼓励孩子独立做事 英语翻译 有零花钱的好处至少20条 孩子上四年级了英语不好家长应该怎么办?小孩学英语哪个好? 孩子上四年级了英语不好家长应该怎么办?小孩学英语哪里好? 在北京小孩学英语口语应该去哪想给孩子报个英语口语班. 孩子上小学前应不应该学点拼音、算术?好多小孩都的吗? 一年级小孩应该怎么教 小孩应该培养哪些品质 家长应该对十来岁的孩子严格要求 英语翻译 父母不应该给你们的孩子加压英语翻译